Dickinson Alumnus, February 1943

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The US Army selected Dickinson College as one of the locations for training Army Aviation Cadets.
  • Dickinson College held its first mid-year Commencement in January 1943. 
  • Rev. James J. Resh (class of 1897), president of the Dickinson Club of Baltimore, found a rare Ginkgo tree near the eastern end of West College.
  • Ensign Harry F. Ruth Jr. (class of 1942) served on the USS San Francisco during a "heroic battle" in the South Pacific.
  • Excerpts from Merritt Caldwell's correspondence, a Mathematics and Political Science Professor at Dickinson from 1833 to 1848, revealed a wide range of interests.
  • Marjorie Barkman was appointed instructor in physical education for women.

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1938

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dickinson leased the William H. Parker home on North Hanover street as a women’s dorm. 
  • Five Dickinsonians were nominated for offices in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. 
  • The Faculty made a number of changes to the curriculum, including requiring that freshman and sophomores receive a broader background in English composition. 
  • The Alumnus published Professor Thomas Cooper's letter of resignation, which revealed difficulties at the college in the 1810s.