Dickinson Alumnus, November 1930

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Stanley D. Embick (class of 1897), who received a Distinguished Service Medal during World War I, was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the US Army and assigned to command Fortress Monroe in Virginia. 
  • Four Dickinson alumni represented Pennsylvania in the House of Representatives, including J. Banks Kurtz (class of 1893) and Robert F. Rich (class of 1907). 
  • Photographs showcased the improvements made to the freshmen dorms located in Conway Hall. 
  • Rev. William H. Decker (class of 1902) recalled a "hi-jacking" incident in 1899, which included a Carlisle justice of the peace issuing a search warrant.
  • George Durbin Chenoweth, a member of the class of 1868 and a prominent trustee, died at age 83.
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, November 1924

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dickinsonians formed an Inter-Fraternity Alumni Council to co-operate with the student Inter-Fraternity Council. 
  • Architect William W. Emmert revealed plans for a new gymnasium.
  • Lemuel Towers Appold (class of 1882), President of the General Alumni Association, started remodeling the northeast corner room in the basement of Old West.
  • East College  reopened after renovations improved the entrances and interior spaces.
  • Four out of seven members of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania either graduated or received honorary degrees from Dickinson.
  • President James H. Morgan (class of 1878) appealed to alumni to donate documentation of the College's early history in order to preserve it.