Dickinson Alumnus, December 1948

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Roger H. Steck (class of 1926) was appointed Director of Public Relations.
  • William H. Cheesman (class of 1904) retired after half a century of working with the U.S. Government.
  • Dr. Robert L. D. Davidson (class of 1931) became assistant dean of the Community College and Technical Institute of Temple University.
  • Lloyd W. Johnson (class of 1903), after forty years of teaching at Adelphi Academy in Brooklyn, was elected Headmaster of the school.
  • The Alumnus highlighted the Tome Scientific Building and the accomplishments of the science faculty.
  • A record number of international students enrolled for the 1948-49 academic year.
  • The College acquired a letter written in 1803 by the architect of Old West, Benjamin Latrobe

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1948

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • John F. Bacon (class of 1938) was named head of the Ten Year Development Program.
  • Dean Josephine Brunyate Meredith (class of 1901) retired from Dickinson after 28 years.
  • Burnett "Bo" Olcott McAnney (class of 1913) was named managing editor of the New York World-Telegram.
  • Rev. Dr. John Wesley Lord (class of 1927) was elected as Bishop by the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference of the Methodist Church.
  • Trustees named George Shuman Jr. (class of 1937) as Treasurer of the College.
  • Rev. Roy T. Henwood (class of 1926) became Superintendent of the Oneonta District of Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Church.
  • Alumni donated a portrait of the late Professor Leon Cushing Prince (class of 1898).

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1948

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The College launched a ten-year development program for building and additional endowment with a goal of $750,000.
  • The new South College, which was located behind the Alumni Gymnasium, opened.
  • The College held a four day celebration of the 175th anniversary of the founding of Dickinson College. The program included a parade with several dozen floats that depicted events in the College's history.
  • Henry Logan (class of 1910) created the M. William Wedell Scholarship Fund with a $15,000 donation.
  • President William W. Edel (class of 1915) dedicated the Benjamin Rush campus, which had formally been called the Mooreland campus.

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1948

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Construction of the new South College, which was located behind the Alumni Gymnasium, was almost completed.
  • The Prohibition Party selected Dale H. Learn (class of 1920) as their candidate for Vice President of the United States.
  • The Alumnus highlighted the Department of History and the accomplishments of the faculty.
  • Samuel W. Witwer Jr. (class of 1930), attorney of Chicago, called for revising the Illinois constitution.
  • Newton E. Randolph (class of 1924) became the director of a new relief agency called Save A Friend In Europe (SAFE).
  • Dr. Julia Morgan (class of 1911), professor at the University of Pennsylvania Medial School, died after a brief illness.