Dickinson Alumnus, December 1956

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Trustee C. Scott Althouse donated $300,00 for the construction of a new chemistry building.
  • Dr. Norman N. Weisenfluh (class of 1924) became the president of the State Teachers College in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.
  • The Maryland School of Medicine appointed Dr. Martin Helrich (class of 1946) as Head of the Department of Anesthesiology.
  • Dr. Raymond Shettel (class of 1933) became president of the Homeopathic Medical Society of Pennsylvania.
  • President William W. Edel (class of 1915), along with other college officials, laid the cornerstone of the new Allison Methodist Church.
  • Randall Leopold (class of 1924) became the District Governor of the Rotary International.

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1956

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Trustee Frank E. Masland Jr. (class of 1918) was appointed as a member of the United States Advisory Board on National Parks, Historical Sites, Buildings, and Monuments.
  • Professor Charles C. Sellers reviewed Edwin E. Willoughby's (class of 1922) essay on the creation of the King James Bible.
  • Herbert A. Heerwagen (class of 1932) was elected president of the Manhattan Big Brother Movement.
  • Eleven Dickinsonians graduated from Philadelphia area medical schools in 1956.
  • Dr. John F. Vittrup (class of 1953) was the first medical school graduate to be commissioned into the newly created United States Army Medical Corps.

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1956

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Commencement 1956 marked William W. Edel's (class of 1915) 10th anniversary as President of the College.
  • May Morris (class of 1909) retired after serving as the Librarian since 1927.
  • Dr. John J. Ketterer (class of 1943) was named Dean of Men at Monmouth College in Illinois. 
  • E. Laurence Springer (class of 1924) helped develop the Pingry School as headmaster, including their move to a large campus in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
  • Lt. Col. John A. Norcross (class of 1933) delivered a baby without any medical equipment, using "backwoods obstetrics" on a military plane crossing the Pacific.
  • Rev. Dr. Everett F. Hallock (class of 1933) moved to Dallas, Texas, to become supervisor of the American Leprosy Mission's southwestern area.
  • Scenes from the College campus and the Joseph Priestley collection played "important roles" in a half-hour, made for TV film entitled "The Joyful Lunatic".

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1956

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Dr. Edgar R. Miller (class of 1920) and Dr. Elizabeth Bucke Miller (class of 1923) left for Nepal to serve as medical missionaries.
  • Dr. John W. McConnell (class of 1929) was named Dean of Cornell University.
  • Henry E. Harner (class of 1929) was appointed Secretary of the Commonwealth, the second Dickinsonian in Pennsylvania Governor George Leader's cabinet. 
  • Dr. E. Roger Samuel (class of 1910) was named "General Practitioner of the Year" by the American Medial Association.
  • Donald H. Goodyear (class of 1923) was appointed General Manager of Manufacturing for the G.R. Kinney Shoe Company.
  • Eugenia Learned James (class of 1939) won an acclaim in England as an Heraldic artist. 
  • The Board of Trustees reaffirmed their position on "intoxicants," which included a complete ban on the possession or use in any College property, dormitory, or fraternity house.