Dickinsonian, June 4, 1910

Skull and Key holds initiation.  Professor Leon Prince marries Miss Julia Delavan, class of 1913.  Dr. William Lindsay retires due to declining health.  Troutman Gougler selected as new field coach.  Musical clubs have successful year and tour.  Conway Hall holds commencement exercises.  Oratorical department and Library Guild have successful years.  Skitchagenee holds annual banquet and initiates new members.  Traditional Commencement Play forbidden by Trustees.  Press Club holds second annual banquet and elects new officers.  Dr. C. W.


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1911

The Skitchagenee Sophomore club held a dance at the Phi Kappa Psi house. President Reed told a story about improper youthful behavior, but the moral is lost on the student body. The Mohler Scientific club held a discussion of the Busch Magneto. A list of novels worth reading. Long essay titled "What Scared Belshazzer. The Varsity Show to be postponed until fall.
