Dickinsonian, June 26, 1970

The Trustee Committee of Long-range Planning will hold a conference to examine the previsions of the ten year budget plan and make revisions based on progress. Congress votes to lower the voting age to 18 and the law will go into effect Jan 1 1971 unless it is ruled unconstitutional.

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Dickinsonian, March 19, 1970

Senate approves a proposal for coed living units in Todd and Mathews houses with the first two floors for men and the rest for women. SDS questions business manager Bloodgood on campus working conditions and wages. The College receives a federal grant providing for community service and continuing education programs under Title I of the Higher Education Act for their program "The Carlisle Education-Action Program for Housing." The College fine arts department will hold an Indian Arts Festival. NSA and NAS consider financial merger.

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