Dickinsonian Newspaper

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Dickinsonian Front Page

The Senate defeats a resolution to censure the Black Hats. Sen. Fred Harris gives Mock Convention speech. The Convention sees the ticket nomination of George McGovern-Shirley Chisholm. Freshman Vic Laws bids for a Maryland delegate position to...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Board of Trustees discuss the Third Century Development Program. Sen. Jacob Javits addresses the Class of 1972's commencement. History Prof. John Pflaum is set to retire next month.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Construction of dorm (to be McKenney Suites) set to begin. Dr. Vernon and five students spend an archeological trip at the Pleasant Brook dig near Oneonta, New York. The Carlisle program PEER is underway under the direction of Assistant Chaplain...

Dickinsonian Front Page

College volunteers aid the homeless and needy after Hurricane Agnes floods Carlisle.

Dickinsonian Front Page

In a report, College Counselor Howard Figler advises students to develop job contacts "early."

Dickinsonian Front Page

Micki and Chuck Jarvis discuss their experience at the Democratic National Convention in Miami. Featured is the Evaluation Report of Dickinson College for the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Carlisle's PEER program holds Olympic Games. Contractor breaks ground for dormitory (to be McKenney Suites).

Dickinsonian Front Page

Larry Rubin and Clarke Garrett lead a summer Freshman Colloquium on "Utopias and Planned Societies" in which students and staff live, work, eat, and study together. William Sloan begins work in his Black student-counseling post.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dr. Martin Meyerson is to initiate the Founders Day ceremony while Sen. Richard Schweiker is to give the principal address. On Wednesday, Pres. Rubendall declares a 10-minute period of mourning in reaction to the murders of 11 Israeli athletes at...

Dickinsonian Front Page

College manages Florence Jones Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary. Prof. Mulford Sibley speaks on liberal education and politics in the kick-off of the College's Politics and Education Series. 140 students sign up for "Students for Nixon" group....

Dickinsonian Front Page

At the Founders Convocation of the College's 200th Anniversary, Sen. Richard Schweiker delivers an address praising the College's educational tradition. College holds a symposium entitled "Voice of Today's Woman". PPG Industries Foundation...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Student Senate requires treasurer for all college organizations. C. Delores Tucker is to headline next weekend's "Voice of Today's Women" seminar. Mary Ames Raffensperger also plans to speak. Prof. William Bowden is to present a Spahr lecture on...

Dickinsonian Front Page

A Ford Humanities Grant funds "The Interdisciplinary Faculty Seminar on the Experimental College." Supporters of George McGovern plan a fund-raising party. The newly-launched Action in Society program hopes to recruit student volunteers. Dr....

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Mermaid Players open a new season with The Front Page. An overview of C. DeLores Tucker's speech at last week's symposium "Voices of Today's Women" is presented. A lecture on Charles Nisbet is given by Prof. William Bowden. To be held...

Dickinsonian Front Page

At a Student Senate meeting, the current ban on waterbeds and pets is upheld. Poet Anne Waldman and five others are to partake in November's Young Artists-in-Residence Program. The multimedia-spoken word Story Theatre Troupe plans to perform ...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Ad Hoc Committee on Student Personnel Services meets to acquire "more feedback...especially from students." Michael D. Hall and others are to participate in the Young Artists-in-Residence Program. Meyer Rheinhold will give the Morgan...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Debates on student services and admissions highlight the Senate meeting. A WDCV poll shows Eugene McGovern ahead of Pres. Nixon in student voter replies. Alumnus Stuart Pankin is highlighted as a participant in the upcoming Young Artists-in-...

Dickinsonian Front Page

In ATS, the College Choir, Chapel Choir and College-Community Orchestra will open the Young Artists-in-Residence Week. The College plans to present its Arts Award to the Philadelphia Orchestra. Musician Joshua Rifkin will be one participant in...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Governor Milton Shapp will present the College's Arts Award to the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. As part of the Bicentennial Celebration of the College, an art exhibit has been arranged at the William Penn Museum in Harrisburg. About 40 female...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Carlisle-born pianist Harriette Line Thompson is to give a recital in ATS. The Mermaid Players are to put on Spoon River Anthology. The Academic Standards Committee formulates an "experimental" Credit-No Credit grading proposal. A series...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Faculty approves the Credit/No Credit grading program. ROTC adds a seminar series dealing with contemporary problems. Student Paul Kanev puts together Christmas Around the World, a multimedia presentation to be given in the Bonisteel...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Claudio Arrau is to perform in ATS. The first volume, first issue of the Dickinson College Register is featured. Mel Ramos' art exhibit on display in the HUB aims to spark questions dealing with the roles of art and commercialism. Pres....

Dickinsonian Front Page

Trustees rescind the 60-40 male-female admissions ratio and name the newly-built dormitory after trustee Gibbs McKenney and his wife. Richard Orr is elected president of the Student Senate. Matthew Miller introduces a resolution in defense of...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Faculty is to perform 1773-1973: A Historical Review. The Bicentennial Celebration continues with a number of workshops, speakers, and artists. Philip Abelson wins the Joseph Priestley Award. The Drug Education Committee is sponsoring a...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Last Monday a failed water line in Carlisle curtailing the College's water availability. The Computer Service Center department forms, expanding computer operations on campus. The U.S. Department of the Interior designates the College-managed...
