Homecoming plans are announced, including a jazz concert. A public affairs symposium is planned for the spring, with the forum topic of "The Urbanization of the Country." A jazz mass is planned in the union's theater. The Mermaid Players will present "Our Town." Dr. Vytautas Kavolis is appointed to chair department of sociology and anthropology. A Classical Hebrew class is announced. Twelve transfer students are interviewed and have found happiness at Dickinson. Mr. Will Herberg will lecture on "Roots of Freedom in Jewish Theology." Thergill Oddsson, an exchange student from Iceland is interviewed, and compares college life in Iceland and America. The Belles Lettres Press invites everyone to submit their literary and artistic work. Dickinson alumnus, Lee Wilmer Baric, returns as assistant professor of math. The soccer team wins first home game. The football team continues an undefeated season. I.F. bowling league is formed.