Dramatic Club, "Skinner's Dress Suit," 1929

Cast photo from the Dramatic Club's production of Skinner's Dress Suit in Bosler Hall on March 13, 1929.

Standing: David Davis '31, Harriet Salter '29, William Schultz '30, Ruth Cain '30, Blaine E. Capehart '29, Fred Lumb '30, Janet Rodgers '31, Vincent Cartusciello '29, Edwin F. Hann '31, Dorothy Bryan '31.

Seated: Flora Lynch '31

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Dramatic Club, "Not So Fast," 1929

Cast of the Dramatic Club's production of Not So Fast, which they perform at Commencement on June 7, 1929.

Standing, Left to Right: Frank G. McCrea '29, Vincent Cartusciello '29, Fred A. Lumb '29, David T. Davis '31

Seated: Mary E. Grove '32, Elizabeth Tipton '30, Vera Morris '31, Harriet Heim '30, Professor Wilbur H. Norcross '07

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Academic Discipline