Football Team, 1947

The 1947 football team poses for a picture.

First row: John B. Armstrong (Manager), W. Richard Thompson, Harold C. Smittinger, James K. Abbott, Thomas L. Guest, Francis C. Noonan, Thomas P. Lacek, Millard F. Mecklem, Russell D. Fettrow, Robert M. Obeid, Ralph R. "Dutch" Ricker (Head Coach)

Second row: Alan S. Crawshaw (Manager), Walter L. From, Walter V. Kohler, Donald A. Olewine, Thomas W. McHugh, Robert B. Lutz, Richard F. Staar, Robert T. Keating, Thomas D. Gordon, James C. Pooley, David H. Kirk (Backs)

Third row: Charles H. Grote Jr.  (Manager), Gerald L. Miller, Paul R. Paxton, James M. Hunter, Edward T. Hughes, Robert H. Crow, Paul L. Paxton, Franklin Meck, Robert L. McNeal, Thomas G. Chew, John S. Steckbeck (Line)

Fourth row: Stephen W. Koblish, James W. Croop, G. Leroy Krieger, Harry B. Towe, Earl H. Biel, Robert E. Mills, George W. Ahl Jr., Edward L. Beck, William Christmas, Howard Baum, James M. Kyte, Walter G. Groome

Photograph Archives

Honorary Degree Recipients, 1998

Honorary degree recipients pose with President Fritschler on May 17, 1998 at commencement. 

Left to Right: Sidney D. Kline Jr. '54, Susan Stewart, Lloyd John Ogilvie, President A. Lee Fritschler, Richard Staar '48, Pavel Sarkisov, and David McCullough

Photograph Archives
Events and Activities