Football Team, 1947

The 1947 football team poses for a picture.

First row: John B. Armstrong (Manager), W. Richard Thompson, Harold C. Smittinger, James K. Abbott, Thomas L. Guest, Francis C. Noonan, Thomas P. Lacek, Millard F. Mecklem, Russell D. Fettrow, Robert M. Obeid, Ralph R. "Dutch" Ricker (Head Coach)

Second row: Alan S. Crawshaw (Manager), Walter L. From, Walter V. Kohler, Donald A. Olewine, Thomas W. McHugh, Robert B. Lutz, Richard F. Staar, Robert T. Keating, Thomas D. Gordon, James C. Pooley, David H. Kirk (Backs)

Third row: Charles H. Grote Jr.  (Manager), Gerald L. Miller, Paul R. Paxton, James M. Hunter, Edward T. Hughes, Robert H. Crow, Paul L. Paxton, Franklin Meck, Robert L. McNeal, Thomas G. Chew, John S. Steckbeck (Line)

Fourth row: Stephen W. Koblish, James W. Croop, G. Leroy Krieger, Harry B. Towe, Earl H. Biel, Robert E. Mills, George W. Ahl Jr., Edward L. Beck, William Christmas, Howard Baum, James M. Kyte, Walter G. Groome

Photograph Archives

Men's Basketball Team, 1947

The 1947 men's basketball team poses for a picture.  This is Richard MacAndrew's last year as coach.

First row: Vincent Schafmeister, Weston Overholt, John Hopper, Francis Noonan, Eugene Evans, James Pooley

Second row: Gerald Miller, Howard Hoffman, Edward Carl, Coach Richard Henry MacAndrews, Frederick May, Willis “Herm” Alexander, Paul Paxton

Third row: Bob Horner, Charles H.B. Kennedy, Red Hildenberger

Photograph Archives