McKenney Hall, construction, 1972
An earlier shot of the construction site of McKenney Hall.
An earlier shot of the construction site of McKenney Hall.
Workers constructing part of the roof of McKenney Hall.
A view of McKenney Hall courtyard late in the construction process.
View of the McKenney Hall construction site, facing south.
View of the newly completed McKenney Hall on August 14, 1973. The official dedication ceremony would take place two months later, on October 13, 1973.
Mr. W. Gibbs McKenney ('39) and his wife Florence Rea McKenney stand in the courtyard of the newly finished McKenney Hall during the dedication ceremony on October 13, 1973. President Howard Rubendall ('31), who presided over the event, stands to the left.
McKenney Hall in the winter snow around 1975.
Two students walk away from McKenney Hall.
A student studies in a bedroom of one of the McKenney Hall suites.
A student studies in the living room area of a McKenny suite around 1975.
View of a group of students in a McKenney Hall common room around 1980.
View of three students in a McKenney Hall common room around 1980.
View of McKenney Hall from the north in May 1982.
A group of friends pose for a photo on campus. McKenney Suites is located behind the photographer.
If you can identify anyone in this photograph or provide any additional information, please contact the Archives ( This image is slide 161 of the Class of 1996 Senior Slideshow.
A large group of students in McKenney suites.
If you can identify anyone in this photograph or provide any additional information, please contact the Archives ( This image is slide 203 of the Class of 1996 Senior Slideshow.
Two students try to stay standing on their roller blades.
If you can identify anyone in this photograph or provide any additional information, please contact the Archives ( This image is slide 197 of the Class of 1996 Senior Slideshow.