Deck Piece from the USS Missouri, c.1945

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2001.18_2
Shelf 28 (Box 1)

A piece of reddish wood with a circular silver disk inserted on one side. The disk reads, "U. S. S. MISSOURI, Over this spot on 2 September 1945 the instrument of formal surrender of Japan to the Allied Powers was signed thus bringing to a close the second world war. The ship at that time was at anchor in Tokyo Bay. Latitude 35 21 17 North - Longitude 139 45 36 East" 


NAHRO Award plaque, 2003

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00646
Shelf 28 (housed with AC 00640, AC 00648, and AC 00649)

Plaque presented to Dickinson College by NAHRO (National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials) for their CyberSpace Program.