Autographed Sam Rayburn Gavel, c.1952
A wooden gavel previously owned by Sam Rayburn, a former Speaker of the House of Representatives. Rayburn signed the gavel.
A wooden gavel previously owned by Sam Rayburn, a former Speaker of the House of Representatives. Rayburn signed the gavel.
A piece of reddish wood with a circular silver disk inserted on one side. The disk reads, "U. S. S. MISSOURI, Over this spot on 2 September 1945 the instrument of formal surrender of Japan to the Allied Powers was signed thus bringing to a close the second world war. The ship at that time was at anchor in Tokyo Bay. Latitude 35 21 17 North - Longitude 139 45 36 East"
Bronze medallion' with the profile of Joseph Priestley and the words "Joseph Priestley Award Dickinson College" with the medallion holder that is distributed annually to the Joseph Priestly award winners
Silver finish picture frame engraved with “Student Senate Centennial Celebration, 1908-2008”.
Gold Certificate presented to Dickinson College by the Amani Festival for their support.
Certificate of Appreciation plaque presented to Dickinson College by the Carlisle Victory Circle in 2001.
Plaque presented to Dickinson College by NAHRO (National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials) for their CyberSpace Program.
Blue and white plate featuring “New Denny Hall” and images of other landmarks in Carlisle and at the Carlisle Indian School.
Plaque given to Dickinson College by the OCLC Cooperative Online Resource Catalog in recognition of the library being a founding members.
Plaque given to President William G. Durden by the Carlisle Victory Circle for promoting diversity at Dickinson College and the Carlisle community.=
Certificate of Appreciation plaque given to Dickinson College by the Amani Festival for their support.
Relay for Life “Spirit Award” given to Dickinson College in 2003.
Mock Trial “Outstanding Attorney” plaque from the 2002 American Intercollegiate Mock Trial Tournament.
Mock Trial “Outstanding Attorney” plaque from the 2002 Regional Tournament.
Clay brick removed from Denny Hall fireplace during renovations in the 1980s.
Clay brick removed from third floor fireplace in West College during 1980's renovations.