Bonisteel Planetarium starfield projector, 1963
Five students stand by the Bonisteel Planetarium starfield projector in 1963.
Five students stand by the Bonisteel Planetarium starfield projector in 1963.
Professor Henry L. Yeagley and a student use a constellation model in 1963.
Professor Henry L. Yeagley with a class in the Bonisteel Planetarium in 1963. The planetarium was in the Tome Scientific Building.
Professor Henry Yeagley points at the Bonisteel Observatory's retractable roof. This observatory was on the roof of Althouse Hall in 1965.
Professor Robert J. Boyle shows his astronomy class how the planetarium machinery works.
Professor Robert Boyle teaches his astronomy class in the Charles M. Kanev Planetarium in May 1990.
Student talks Physics & Astronomy professors during the Academic Open House, held in the Social Hall, on August 27, 1995.
Seated facing students, left to right: [unknown] ; Professor Hans Pfister ; Professor Robert Boyle