About LGBT History Project Resources

The LGBT Center of Central PA and the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections have partnered to document the stories and history of LGBT life and activism in the greater Central Pennsylvania region. This site contains oral histories that have been recorded for the LGBT History Project, as well as fully accessible digital versions of documents, images, and artifacts that have been donated to the project.

This is a quickly growing collection, and not all items are available through this website. Please contact Malinda Triller-Doran at archives@dickinson.edu for information about how to access all of the resources of the LGBT History Project, as well as how to donate additional materials.

Generous support to make these unique resources accessible has been provided by the Schlegel Deibler Charitable Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

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LGBT History Project

Date: 1980

Assessment of Pride Conference 1980. 

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns



View Item: Pride '80 Assessment - 1980

Date: 1980

Planning materials for Pride Conference 1980.

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns



View Item: Pride '80 Planning Information - 1980

Date: 1979

Final plans for Pride Conference 1979.

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns



View Item: Pride '79 Final Plan - 1979

Date: June 19, 1979

Correspondence from Pink Debbie, a band, inquiring about performing at Pride Conference 1979. 

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns


Organizations: Pink Debbie

View Item: Pride '79 Pink Debbie Interest Correspondence - June 19, 1979

Date: 1979

Letters from interested attendees for Pride Conference 1979. Most of the letters are handwritten.

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns



View Item: Pride '79 Interested Attendee Letters - 1979

Date: 1979

Various press release, correspondences, and advertisements for Pride Conference 1979. One handwritten letter.

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns



View Item: Pride '79 Press Releases and Advertisements - 1979

Date: 1979

Workshop Leaders information forms for Pride Conference 1979.

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns



View Item: Pride '79 Workshop Leaders Information Form - 1979

Date: 1979

Facilitator planning for Pride Conference 1979, handwritten. 

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns



View Item: Pride '79 Facilitator Planning Material - 1979

Date: 1979

Planning Committee information for the PA Pride Conference held in 1979. 

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns



View Item: Pride '79 Planning Committee Information - 1979

Date: 1978

Filled out evaluation form from Pride 1978. The form is hadnwritten. 

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns



View Item: Pride '78 Evaluation Form (filled out, handwritten) - 1978

Date: 1975 to 1978

Correspondences and information on Pride Conference speakers from 1975 to 1978. Some correspondences are handwritten.

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns



View Item: Pride Conference Speaker Correspondences and Information - 1975 to1978

Date: 1975

Letter announcing the 1975 Pennsylvania State Gay Conference, a statewide gay rights conference which was later known as Pride.

Collection: LGBT-001 - Burns


Organizations: Gay Activist Alliance of Philadelphia

View Item: Pride '75 Mark Segal Conference Announcement - 1975

Date: April 13, 1997

York Lesbian Alliance meeting minutes focusing on the York City School District Anti-Discrimination Policy and adding sex/sexual orientation to hate crimes status.

York Lesbian Alliance was started by Peg (Stoppard) Welch in the 1990s. 

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch


Organizations: York Lesbian Alliance

View Item: York Lesbian Alliance Meeting Minutes - April 13, 1997

Date: circa 1994

Sign-up sheet for the Lesbian/Gay/Straight Alliance in York County. 

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch


Organizations: Lesbian/Gay/Straight Alliance

View Item: The Lesbians/Gay/Straight Alliance interest and sign-up sheet - circa 1994

Date: 1993

Draft text of newspaper article to be released about the passing of an act to include sexual orientation and martial status in anti-discrimination laws in York, PA.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of York, PA and the surrounding area.

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch

Topics: York Anti-Discrimination Ordinance


View Item: Text of Newspaper article about anti-discrimination law in York, PA (draft) - 1993

Date: 1993

Announcement supporting Mayor William J. Althaus' proposal to extend York City's civil rights guarantees to include sexual orientation and marital status.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of York, PA and the surrounding area.

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch

Topics: York Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Organizations: York City Untied

View Item: York City United Support for Mayor William J. Althaus - 1993

Date: May/June 1996

York Area LAMBDA monthly newsletter with focus on Peg (Stoppard) Welch resigning as President.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of York, PA and the surrounding area.

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch


Organizations: York Area LAMBDA

View Item: York Area LAMBDA Newsletter - May/June 1996

Date: May 4, 1994

York Area LAMBDA Board of Directors meeting agenda and minutes discussing the Mother's Day Street Fair Lemonade Stand plans.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of York, PA and the surrounding area.

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch


Organizations: York Area LAMBDA

View Item: York Area LAMBDA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - May 4, 1994

Date: circa 1993

Memo containing petition to sign to support the expansion of York's Civil Rights Ordinance to include sexual orientation and marital status.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of York, PA and the surrounding area.

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch

Topics: York Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Organizations: York Area LAMBDA

View Item: York Area LAMBDA Petition for Signature Act - January 30, 1993

Date: January 30, 1993

Peg Welch's stance on coming out when fighting for LGBTQ+ rights in York, PA.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of York, PA and the surrounding area.

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch

Topics: Coming Out

Organizations: York Area LAMBDA

View Item: Memo from Peg Welch about "Coming Out" - January 30, 1993

Date: 1993

Questionnaire put together by York Area LAMBDA with answers from candidates for Mayor, City Council, and School Board for York City.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of York, PA and the surrounding area.

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch


Organizations: York Area LAMBDA

View Item: York Area LAMBDA Lesbian and Gay Voters Guide - 1993

Date: March/April 1993

York Area LAMBDA newsletter discussing local issues and the specifically the anti-discrimination ordinance that was passed by the York City Council to include sexual orientation.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of York, PA and the surrounding area.

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch


Organizations: York Area LAMBDA, Gay and Lesbian Switchboard of Harrisburg

View Item: York Area LAMBDA Newsletter - March/April 1993

Date: March 1993

York Area LAMBDA calendar of events for March - June 1993.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of York, PA and the surrounding area.

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch


Organizations: York Area LAMBDA, York Hospice House (York, PA)

View Item: York Area LAMBDA Event Calendar Flyer - March 1993

Date: January 17 and February 21, 1993

York Area LAMBDA memo in replacement of general meeting minutes for January 17 and February 21 meetings. The memo updates members on the status of the gay rights ordinance proposed by Mayor Althaus to the York City Council. 

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political, and social group for the LGBTQ+ community of York, PA and the surrounding area.

Collection: LGBT-080 - Welch

Topics: York Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Organizations: York Area LAMBDA

View Item: York Area LAMBDA General Meetings Memo - January 17 and February 21, 1993

Date: circa 1990

This is a photo of a distant view of Steven Leshner and a person holding a rainbow flag at an event in Washington, DC around 1990. This picture is found on page 40 of the PDF of the Dignity/Central PA Scrapbook.

Dignity/Central PA is a forum for human concerns, a place of seeking for greater self, knowledge, and wisdom, an affirmation of one's sexual orientation in faith, and personal ministry. This scrapbook was created by Steven Leshner, a member of Dignity/Central PA, and includes mostly photos, unless otherwise noted, of annual picnics, events, and members, like those of founder Jerry Brennan and Father Wallace Sawdy.

Collection: LGBT-029 - Leshner


Organizations: Dignity/Central PA

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