About LGBT History Project Resources

The LGBT Center of Central PA and the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections have partnered to document the stories and history of LGBT life and activism in the greater Central Pennsylvania region. This site contains oral histories that have been recorded for the LGBT History Project, as well as fully accessible digital versions of documents, images, and artifacts that have been donated to the project.

This is a quickly growing collection, and not all items are available through this website. Please contact Malinda Triller-Doran at archives@dickinson.edu for information about how to access all of the resources of the LGBT History Project, as well as how to donate additional materials.

Generous support to make these unique resources accessible has been provided by the Schlegel Deibler Charitable Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

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LGBT History Project

Date: June 26 & 27, 1993

“The Board of Directors of Lily White and Company held a retreat on June 26 and 27, 1993 at the home of Joe and Lynn Kintz. The initial intent of this retreat was to examine the present status and future goals and ambitions of the Company, in a relaxed open forum in an environment removed from routine Company functions. Board members present were Paul Foltz, Sharon Staub, Eric Selvey, Ed Fuhrer, Fred Bollendorf,, Jack Sowers, and Tim Rhinehart. Company member Lynn Kintz was present and Joe Kintz was the facilitator.”

Collection: LGBT-043 - Lily White & Company


Organizations: Lily White & Company

View Item: Lily White & Company Board Retreat Minutes - June 26 & 27, 1993

Date: April 23 and August 13, 1995

These are the Artistic Director's Reports on the performances of Lily White & Company over the 1995 season. 

Collection: LGBT-043 - Lily White & Company


Organizations: Lily White & Company

View Item: Lily White & Company Artistic Director's Reports - 1995

Date: 1992

This report provides a summary of activities that took place for Lily White & Company in 1992. It is also mentions that policies and procedures were offically created for the company.

Collection: LGBT-043 - Lily White & Company


Organizations: Lily White & Company

View Item: Lily White & Company Annual Report - 1992

Date: 1990

This report provides a summary of activities that took place for Lily White & Company in 1990. It is also mentions that the company was offically recognized as a non-profit and given the name "Lily White & Company." 

Collection: LGBT-043 - Lily White & Company


Organizations: Lily White & Company

View Item: Lily White & Company Annual Report - 1990

Date: 1996

This calendar was created by Lily White & Company to document administrative meetings in 1996 of the organization.

Collection: LGBT-043 - Lily White & Company


Organizations: Lily White & Company

View Item: Lily White & Company Administrative Calendar - 1996

Date: September 1980

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

In this issue, it is addressed that because of lack of participation over the summer, no meetings were held. This led to no newsletters going out. It is also mentioned that there has been an increase of LGBTQ+ and straight people moving away from the Williamsport area (however no reason is given as to why).

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - September 1980

Date: May 1980

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW), Homophiles of Penn State (HOPS)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - May 1980

Date: March 1980

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

In this issue, it was shared the HOW has decided to continue on, and that participation will be key in the upcoming months.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW)

View Item:

Date: February 1980

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

In this issue, it is shared that unless HOW an form a steering committee, the organization is planning to dissolve, and that the last meeting will be in March if the steering committee is not able to be formed.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - February 1980

Date: December 1979

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

In this issue, plans for future events are discussed, specifically looking for members who would be willing to speak at events in Williamsport. There is an update on Dan Maneval’s harassment concerns, and a reminder that dues are important to help HOW to survive and grow as a group.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval

Topics: Harassment

Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - December 1979

Date: November 1979

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW), National Organization for Women (N.O.W.), Persad Center

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - November 1979

Date: October 14, 1979

This flyer was created by HOW to promote the March on Washington, on October 14, 1979.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW)

View Item: Gays to March on Washington Flyer - October 14, 1979

Date: September 1979

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

This issue includes a brief overview of Here’s How and questionnaire to gain member feedback on the organizations activities over the past three years.  There is also another update on Dan Maneval’s neighborhood harassment experience.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - September 1979

Date: July/August 1979

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

In this issue, talk of a local newspaper refusing to print an add from Here’s How is discussed. It is also mentioned that gay men and lesbian women who were dishonorably discharged from the United States Army due to their sexuality can have their discharges upgraded and can received the right discharge benefits.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Central PA Gay Alliance, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - July/August 1979

Date: June 1979

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

In this issues, discussion on Governor Richard Thornburgh's decision to keep the Governors Counscil on Sexual Minorities is discussed, as well as Pride '79, and an update on Dan Manevla's neighborhood harrasment concerns.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW), PA Lesbian/Gay Support Network (PALGSN)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - June 1979

Date: 2018

The Keystone Conference is a program for transgender individuals and their allies that has been held annually in Pennsylvania since 2009. The items in this collection include programs from previous conferences and vendor materials from the 2018 conference.

Collection: LGBT-077 - Keystone Conference



View Item: LGBT History Project: LGBT-077 Keystone Conference Collection

Date: 2007-2012

This collection contains chapter information regarding the Southern Eastern Pennsylvania chapter of the Renaissance Education Association, Inc. (ROSE), a non-profit transgender support organization. This collection also includes newsletters published between 2007 – 2012.

Collection: LGBT-059 - ROSE


Organizations: Renaissance Education Association, Inc.

View Item: LGBT History Project: LGBT-059 Renaissance of Southern Eastern PA Collection

Date: 1998-2008

This collection contains newsletters published between 1998 and 2004 by the Lower Susquehanna Valley Chapter of the Renaissance Education Association, Inc., a non-profit transgender support organization. These materials also include programs from Miss Stallions and Miss Gay Harrisburg events from 1999 and 2001.

Collection: LGBT-039 - Davidson


Organizations: Renaissance Education Association, Inc.

View Item: LGBT History Project: LGBT-039 Ellen Davidson Collection

Date: 1985-1999

Steven Leshner became a member of Dignity/Central PA, a Catholic organization for LGBTQ+ individuals that has been active in the Harrisburg, PA area since 1976, in the 1970s, where he participated in events and activities, as well as became part of the social committee. The materials in this collection document the activities of this group. Leshner is still active in the Dignity community today.

Collection: LGBT-029 - Leshner


Organizations: Dignity/Central PA

View Item: LGBT History Project: LGBT-029 Steven Leshner Collection

Date: May 1979

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW), Homophiles of Penn State (HOPS), PA Lesbian/Gay Support Network (PALGSN)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - May 1979

Date: April 1979

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW), Homophiles of Penn State (HOPS)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - April 1979

Date: February/March 1979

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW), PA Lesbian/Gay Support Network (PALGSN)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - February/March 1979

Date: November/December 1978

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

In this issue, the lack of member participation is addressed and ideas on moving forward are expressed.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval

Topics: Harassment

Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - November/December 1978

Date: October 1978

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

In this issue, Dan Maneval shares the harassment he is experiencing after the Bloomberg State Fair rally, which will impact future HOW meetings. 

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval

Topics: Harassment

Organizations: Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW), National Organization for Women (N.O.W.)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - October 1978

Date: August 1978

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

Collection: LGBT-008 - Maneval


Organizations: Northeastern PA Coalition for Human Rights (NPCHR)

View Item: Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - August 1978