James Farmer, national director of the Congress of Racial Equality, will speak October 29th. Events of homecoming are reported. Betty Kay Griesemer crowned Homecoming Queen.In preparation for the upcoming presidential election, a mock election will be held October 29th in the Student Union. Professor Allan I. Ludwig receives a grant for a new book about New England Puritan stone sculpture. The American Chemical Society has formed a chapter at Dickinson. Thirty-six seniors are currently working in an honors degree program. Professor Mac E. Barrick joins the Modern Language department. Seven Student Union committees are formed. Virginia Hendler is the first student to enroll in the Integrated Independent Study Program. The Ugly Man contest is to be held on October 31st. Dutch student Wiillem Hamel compares academics in America and Dutch schools. WDCV will begin broadcasting jazz and classical music. Cross Country runner Gordon Faulkner is profiled. Homecoming game is lost to Franklin and Marshall.
