Dickinson ROTC Helmet, c.1955

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00907
Shelf 11

A  white helmet with a Dickinson College mermaid logo on one side and an Army R.O.T.C. logo on the other.  Dates from the earlier year's of Dickinson's ROTC program, which started in 1952.


Skull and Key Hat, 1952

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00859
Reading Room Shelf 1 (with AC 00851)

A hat made out of black polyester fabric; gold skull and key patch with "1908" embroidered on the patch with silver thread. It was worn by James L. Pritchard, class of 1953. 


Alpha Chi Rho Tie Pin, c.1953

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00865
Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00863, AC 00864, AC 00866, AC 00867, AC 00868, and AC 00869)

The pin has white stones (unclear whether they are precious stones) are made in the shape of a shepherd's crook and the red stones in the shape of an "X" - to the left of the "X" is a hand which is extended and to the right of the "X" is a torch.  Attached to the chain is the Greek letters for Alpha Chi Rho and engraved on the back of the tie pin is "James Lewis Pritchard '53".

Alpha Chi Rho Button, c.1950

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00863
Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00864, AC 00865, AC 00866, AC 00867, AC 00868, and AC 00869)

This Alpha Chi Rho fraternity button has a white background with "Crows" written in red lettering.


Cheerleading Letter, c.1950

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00861
Shelf 22

Made out of red and white felt-like material.  The overall shape of the cheerleading letter is the shape of a "D" with a megaphone through it.


Alpha Chi Rho Baseball Cap, c.1955

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00860
Reading Room 1 (housed with AC 00851, AC 00858, and AC 00859)

James Lewis Pritchard's (Class of 1953) Alpha Chi Rho hat is made of white polyester in the front with "AXP" in maroon lettering.  There is white mesh surrounding the white polyester.


Varsity Club Award, 1953

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00857
Shelf 27 (housed with AC 00617)
Trophy with a figure dressed in a baseball uniform.  The inscription on the trophy reads: "Dickinson College Varsity Baseball Club Award James Pritchard 1953"

Theta Chi Beer Stein, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00842
Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00834, AC 00835, AC 00839, AC 00840, AC 00841, AC 00843)

Ceramic beer stein with Theta Chi fraternity's sigal on the front and 'Dickinson College' printed on the top. '1959' printed in the middle through the sigal.

Beta Theta Pi Beer Stein, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00841
Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00834, AC 00835, AC 00839, AC 00840, AC 00842, AC 00843)

Ceramic beer stein with Beta Theta Pi fraternity's symbol on the front and 'Dickinson College' printed on the top. '1959' printed in the middle through the symbol. Belonged to George Kessler Livezey III (Class of 1959). 

Chi Omega Beer Stein, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00840
Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00834, AC 00835, AC 00839, AC 00841, AC 00842, AC 00843)

Ceramic beer stein with Chi Omega sorority's symbol on the front and 'Dickinson College' printed on the top. '1959' printed in the middle through the symbol. Belonged to George Kessler Livezey III (Class of 1959).    

Zeta Tau Alpha Beer Stein, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00839
Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00834, AC 00835, AC 00840, AC 00841, AC 00842, AC 00843)

Ceramic beer stein with Zeta Tau Alpha sorority's sigal on the front and 'Dickinson College' printed on the top. '1959' printed in the middle through the sigal.

Phi Kappa Sigma Beer Stein, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00838
Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00829, AC 00830, AC 00831, AC 00832, AC 00833, AC 00836, AC 00837)

Ceramic beer stein with Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity's symbol on the front and 'Dickinson College' printed on the top. '1959' printed in the middle through the symbol. Belonged to George Kessler Livezey III (Class of 1959). 

Alpha Chi Rho Beer Stein, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00837
Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00829, AC 00830, AC 00831, AC 00832, AC 00833, AC 00836, AC 00838)

Ceramic beer stein with Alpha Chi Rho fraternity's symbol on the front and 'Dickinson College' printed on the top. '1959' printed in the middle through the symbol.  Belonged to George Kessler Livezey III (Class of 1959). 

Phi Mu Beer Stein, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00836
Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00829, AC 00830, AC 00831, AC 00832, AC 00833, AC 00837, AC 00838)

Ceramic beer stein with Phi Mu sorority's symbol on the front and 'Dickinson College' printed on the top. '1959' printed in the middle through the symbol.  Belonged to George Kessler Livezey III (Class of 1959). 

Pi Beta Phi Beer Stein, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00835
Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00834, AC 00839, AC 00840, AC 00841, AC 00842, AC 00843)

Ceramic beer stein with Pi Beta Phi's sorority's symbol on the front and 'Dickinson College' printed on the top. '1959' printed in the middle through the symbol.  Belonged to George Kessler Livezey III (Class of 1959).