John Glover Award Medal, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00068
Shelf 3 (housed with AC 00058-00088, AC 00507)

Gold medal featuring inscriptions and laurels, produced for the John Glover Award by the Royal Mint, 1959. This gold plated replica medal was presented to the college, along with an original solid gold medal and 17 other gold plated replica medals, by John Yeagley. The replicas were meant to be presented to future Glover Lecturers. The Glover Memorial Lectures are usually presented in alternate years. This lectureship in science was established in 1958 in memory of John Glover of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, the inventor of the Glover Tower, and in memory of his son and grandson, Henry and Lester Glover, by the late Dr. John D. Yeagley and Mrs. Yeagley of York, Pennsylvania.

John Glover Award Medal, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00067
Shelf 3 (housed with 00058-00088, 00507)

Gold medal featuring inscriptions and laurels, produced for the John Glover Award by the Royal Mint, 1959. This original solid gold medal was presented to the college, along with 18 gold plated replica medals, by John Yeagley. The replicas were meant to be presented to future Glover Lecturers. The Glover Memorial Lectures are usually presented in alternate years. This lectureship in science was established in 1958 in memory of John Glover of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, the inventor of the Glover Tower, and in memory of his son and grandson, Henry and Lester Glover, by the late Dr. John D. Yeagley and Mrs. Yeagley of York, Pennsylvania.

Class of 1902 Award Women's Watch, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00590
Shelf 3 (housed with AC 00058 - AC 00088, AC 00507, AC 00590, AC 00607, AC 00735)

Woman's small silver watch given to Nancy Cross (Price) as the award recipient of the 1959 Class of 1902 Award. Endowed by the class of 1902, the award is given annually to a member of the junior class who has contributed the most good to the college.  The award winner is chosen by his or her peers. 


Noah Pinkney Plaque (first edition), 1951

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00104
Shelf 3 (housed with 00104-00107)

This bronze plaque honors Noah Pinkney for years of dedication and service to the college community. The plaque was dedicated during alumni day in 1951 as part of commencement week activities. Pinkney, who had been enslaved earlier in life before making his way to Pennsylvania, sold pretzels, ice cream, and sandwiches to students and staff for over 40 years. He was often found with his cart in front of East College or just outside the East College gate. This plaque was placed on the Class of 1905 Gate on N. West Street during the tenure of President William W. Edel, a member of the class of 1915 who had fond memories of Pinkney. The plaque bears the words, "Rest here a while, Dickinsonians, near the East College Gate where for more than forty years Noah Pinkney, former slave and Christian gentleman, sold pretzels and gave lavishly of friendship. 'Fine as silk, sah, fine as silk.' To many generations of Dickinsonians 'Pink' was as much a part of the college as the mermaid on Old West. Born in 1846, he passed over Jordan on August 6, 1923, 'And all the trumpets sounded for him on the other side.'"

This plaque had gone missing sometime in the 1970s, and a new plaque was put in its place around 1978. The original plaque was later discovered near Philadelphia and returned to the college in 1983.

Lewis Gobrecht's Freshman Button, 1951

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00470
Shelf 2 (housed with 00432-00436, 00443, 00459)

Freshman button worn as name tag by Lewis Gobrecht '55 while attending Dickinson College as a student. Gobrecht majored in Political Science and History at Dickinson and was an active member of the College Choir, Glee Club, and the Dickinson Follies theater group. Gobrecht went on to have a long career teaching middle-school history in Carlisle.


Alpha Chi Rho Wool Socks, c.1950

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00443
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00432 - AC 00436, AC 00443, AC 00459, AC 00470)

Burgundy knit wool socks with Alpha Chi Rho letters in white wool, made for Lewis Gobrecht, class of 1955.


Lewis Gobrecht's Freshman Beanie and Sign, 1951

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00436
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00432-00436, AC 00443, AC 00459, AC 00470)

Red felt “dink” beanie, and a brown cardboard sign worn by Lewis Gobrecht '55 as a freshman at Dickinson College in 1951. The front of the sign reads "Lewis D. Gobrecht" in large red letters and "AXP" penciled in smaller letters, with a list of names on the back written in pencil, likely the names of the other members of the Alpha Chi Rho pledge class.


Lewis Gobrecht's Name Buttons, 1955

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00433
Shelf 2 (housed with 00432-00436, 00443, 00459, 00470)

Buttons worn as name tags by Lewis Gobrecht '55 while attending Dickinson College Commencement and Dickinson College Guest Day as a student. Gobrecht majored in Political Science and History and was an active member of the College Choir, Glee Club, and the Dickinson Follies theater group. Gobrecht went on to have a long career teaching middle-school history in Carlisle.


Lewis Gobrecht's Academic Tassel, 1955

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00432
Shelf 2 (housed with 00433-00436, 00443, 00459, 00470)

Academic tassel of black braided cord worn by Lewis Gobrecht, class of 1955. Gobrecht majored in Political Science and History at Dickinson and was an active member of the College Choir, Glee Club, and the Dickinson Follies theater group. Gobrecht went on to have a long career teaching middle-school history in Carlisle.


Band Uniform Cap, c.1955

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00055
RR 01 (housed with AC 00054 - AC 00057)

White flat-top style band cap with wide red band, red cord, and Dickinson embroidered in red. The cap was donated in 2000 by Lewis Gobrecht and is thought to have originally been used in the mid 1950's. 
