
Chi Omega Beer Stein, 1959

Ceramic beer stein with Chi Omega sorority's symbol on the front and 'Dickinson College' printed on the top. '1959' printed in the middle through the symbol. Belonged to George Kessler Livezey III (Class of 1959).    

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00840

Location: Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00834, AC 00835, AC 00839, AC 00841, AC 00842, AC 00843)

Subject: Greek Life, Sororities, Stein

Format: Glassware/Ceramics

Cholly Freshman Beanie, 1951

A red and white stripped beanie hat with a red rim. On the rim is "Cholly" embroidered in white. This item belonged to Charles Seller, class of 1955. 

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00803

Location: Shelf 10 (housed with AC 00804-00810)

Subject: Freshman Beanies

Format: Hats

Class of 1902 Award Women's Watch

Woman's small silver watch given to Nancy Cross (Price) as the award recipient of the 1959 Class of 1902 Award. Endowed by the class of 1902, the award is given annually to a member of the junior class who has contributed the most good to the college.  The award winner is chosen by his or her peers. 

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00590

Location: Shelf 3 (housed with AC 00058 - AC 00088, AC 00507, AC 00590, AC 00607, AC 00735)

Subject: Honors and Awards, Class of 1902 Award, Watch

Format: Jewelry

Class of 1909 50th Reunion Pin and Ribbon, 1959

A gold rectangular pin with the typed name and hometown of James Clair McCullough, attached to an orange ribbon with "50th Reunion, Class of 1909, Dickinson College Carlisle, Pa., June 5-6-7, 1959" in black letters. 

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00192

Location: Shelf 17 (housed with 00189-00193)

Subject: Reunion, Nametag

Format: Pins/Buttons

Class of 1935 20th Reunion Armbands, 1955

Four white silk armbands printed with "Dickinson College 20th Reunion 1935-1955" in red. Donated by Wilbur Gobrecht, a member of the Class of 1955.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00714

Location: Shelf 17 (housed with AC 00189-00193)

Subject: Armband, Reunion

Format: Ephemera

Red Felt Beanie with '53 on the front

Red wool felt beanie cap with '53 printed in white on the front.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00547

Location: Shelf 9

Subject: Reunion Beanie, Dink, Reunion

Format: Hats

College Seal Rug, c.1955

A red and white circular rug featuring the Dickinson college seal in red.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00787

Location: Reading Room Shelf 4

Subject: College Seal, Rug

Format: Miscellaneous, Textiles

Commencement button

White round button with college seal and name, and “Commencement” in red, with “My Name is Whitfield J. Bell, Jr.”

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00210

Location: Shelf 16 (housed with AC 00209-00215, etc.)

Subject: Commencement, Buttons, College Traditions

Format: Pins/Buttons

Dickinson Beerstein, c.1950

Ceramic with a walnut glaze.  Metal working similar to a crown of olive branches, and the Dickinson College seal.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00856

Location: Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00855)

Subject: Beer Mug, Stein

Format: Glassware/Ceramics

Dickinson College Democrats button

Round white button with “Dickinson College Democrats” and Democratic donkey in red.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00204

Location: Shelf 16 (housed with AC 00209-00215, etc.)

Subject: Buttons, Dickinson Democrats

Format: Pins/Buttons

Dickinson College Football Sweatshirt, c.1950

Red Dickinson football sweatshirt donated by Wilbur Gobrecht, class of 1952.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00688

Location: Shelf 2

Subject: Athletics, Sweatshirt

Format: Clothing

Dickinson College Plaque, 1953

A rectangular bronze plaque mounted on white base with the inscription "Music Rooms Presented by Class of 1953". On the back of the white base is the inscription in pencil "Inside White, top". 

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00096

Location: Shelf 18 (housed with AC 00095, AC 00097)

Subject: Plaque, Campus Buildings

Format: Plaques/Trophies

Dickinson College Window Sticker, c.1955

Rectangle window static sticker with college seal in red and white, and college name.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00435

Location: Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00432-00436, AC 00443, AC 00459, AC 00470)

Subject: Sticker

Format: Ephemera

Dickinson Dog Plush, c1950

A small stuffed dog with a red felt dink and scarf. The hat has a white D on the brim. 

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00924

Location: Shelf 26

Subject: Stuffed Animal, Dink

Format: Miscellaneous

Dickinson ROTC Helmet, c.1955

A  white helmet with a Dickinson College mermaid logo on one side and an Army R.O.T.C. logo on the other.  Dates from the earlier year's of Dickinson's ROTC program, which started in 1952.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00907

Location: Shelf 11

Subject: Military, Helmet

Format: Hats

Football, 1958

Football from the 1958 season.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00278

Location: RR 08 (housed with AC 00276 - AC 00282)

Subject: Football

Format: Athletic Equipment

Founder's Society Medallion, 1950

Oval, brass medallion with an engraving of Old West on the front and the name "Bob Weinstein '50" on the back.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00822

Location: Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00414)

Subject: Founder's Society, Medallion

Format: Currency/Medallions

Frame Wedgwood Medallion, 1952

The first Priestley Award medallion presented in 1952. The award is framed in a wooden shadow box backed with red velvet.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00343

Location: Shelf 18

Subject: Priestley Award

Format: Plaques/Trophies

Freshman Beanie, 1959

Red felt beanie (also called a "dink") with a white button, worn by Barbara Price Vandegrift in 1959. 

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00556

Location: Shelf 9

Subject: Freshman Beanies, Dink, College Traditions

Format: Hats

Freshman Dink, 1956

William Freeman's (Class of 1960) dink from his freshman year in 1956. Wool, with a few holes around the seams, size 7.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00921

Location: Reading Room 7

Subject: Student Life, Dink, Freshman Beanies, College Traditions

Format: Hats

Freshman Pin, 1951

A white pin with "Dickinson College Freshman" in red and "Jane Myers" in pencil on both the back and front. Buttons were distributed to freshman women to be worn during new student initiation. Myers was a member of the Class of 1955. 

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00706

Location: Shelf 17 (housed with AC 00190-00193)

Subject: Freshman Buttons, Orientation, Nametag

Format: Pins/Buttons

Academic Hood, 1958

Black and purple hood worn by George Shuman, Jr. upon receiving an honorary doctorate from Lycoming College in 1958. 

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00005

Location: Shelf 10

Subject: Academic Regalia, Hood

Format: Clothing

Academic Hoods and Cap, c.1950

Two black academic hoods and mortorboard cap worn by George Shuman, Jr. as treasurer of Dickinson College.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00003

Location: Shelf 3

Subject: Academic Regalia, Hood

Format: Clothing, Hats

Homecoming Football Trophy, 1953

A metal trophy with a plastic base about one and a half feet tall. The white plastic base has a golden plaque with the text "Dickinson College Outstanding Football Performer Homecoming November 14, 1953 Donald P. Bush, Jr."

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00779

Location: Shelf 36

Subject: Honors and Awards, Trophy, Athletics

Format: Plaques/Trophies

Jeremiah Atwater Commemorative Medal in Box

Bronze medal with Jeremiah Atwater and Middlebury College symbols, produced for the 150th anniversary of Middlebury in 1950. Atwater was President of Dickinson from 1809 to 1815.

Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00074

Location: Shelf 3 (housed with AC 00058-00088, AC 00507, AC 00590, AC 00607, AC 00735)

Subject: Commemorative Medal, Anniversaries

Format: Currency/Medallions


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