Paul Ellsworth “Pappy” Hodge Plaque, 1972

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00100
Shelf 2

A gold plate plaque on wooden shield with inscription honoring “Pappy” Hodge for service to the college community: "In recognition of more than 50 years of dedicated service to the College Community, The General Alumni Association of Dickinson College bestows this award of commendation on Paul "Pappy" Ellsworth Hodge May 20, 1972."


TMI React-or Board Game, 1979

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00690
Shelf 2

A board game in which the objective is to lose radiation and perform a cold shut-down of a nuclear reactor. The game was created by Adam, Diane, and Edward Sandnes. The box features an illustration of the Three Mile Island nuclear plant. 


Gamma Phi Beta Plaque, 1980

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00529
Shelf 2 (housed with 00529-00532)

Wooden plaque from the founding year of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, with “ΓΦΒ, Spring/Fall 1980, ΔΡ Chapter” hand painted in gold. Gamma Phi Beta was a sorority active on campus from 1980 to 1986.


Alpha Delta Epsilon Derby Week Plaque, 1977

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00536
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00533-00536, AC 00544)

Shield-shaped wooden plaque with a gold-tone placard inscribed with “Alpha Delta Epsilon, Derby Week, Spirit Award, 1977”. Alpha Delta Epsilon was a local sorority that left the national Phi Mu organization in 1967 and was active until 1980.


Wooden Alpha Delta Epsilon Sign, c.1970

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00535
Shelf 2 (housed with 00533-00536, 00544)

Wooden sign with “ΑΔΕ” spelled out in raised wooden letters. Alpha Delta Epsilon was a local sorority that left the national Phi Mu organization in 1967 and was active until 1980.


Alpha Delta Epsilon Scholarship Award Plaque, 1967

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00534
Shelf 2 (housed with 00533-00536, 00544)

Large wooden plaque with gold-tone placards inscribed with “Scholarship Award” and the names of the award winners from each semester between Fall, 1967 and Fall, 1969. Alpha Delta Epsilon was a local sorority that left the national Phi Mu organization in 1967 and was active until 1980.

Alpha Delta Epsilon Felt Plaque, c.1970

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00533
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00533-00536, AC 00544)

Cardboard and felt handmade pentagonal plaque with “ΑΔΕ” spelled out in a stylized manner in green cord. Alpha Delta Epsilon was a local sorority that left the national Phi Mu organization in 1967 and was active until 1980.


Fred Petty PMEA Plaque, 1977

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00098
Shelf 2 (housed with 00099)

Wood plaque with Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) seal and copper plate with inscription to Fred Petty as host of PMEA Orchestra Festival, 1977. Petty was a professor of music at Dickinson College from 1971 to 1997 and director of the Dickinson College Orchestra.

Lewis Gobrecht's Freshman Button, 1951

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00470
Shelf 2 (housed with 00432-00436, 00443, 00459)

Freshman button worn as name tag by Lewis Gobrecht '55 while attending Dickinson College as a student. Gobrecht majored in Political Science and History at Dickinson and was an active member of the College Choir, Glee Club, and the Dickinson Follies theater group. Gobrecht went on to have a long career teaching middle-school history in Carlisle.


Alpha Chi Rho Wool Socks, c.1950

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00443
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00432 - AC 00436, AC 00443, AC 00459, AC 00470)

Burgundy knit wool socks with Alpha Chi Rho letters in white wool, made for Lewis Gobrecht, class of 1955.


Lewis Gobrecht's Freshman Beanie and Sign, 1951

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00436
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00432-00436, AC 00443, AC 00459, AC 00470)

Red felt “dink” beanie, and a brown cardboard sign worn by Lewis Gobrecht '55 as a freshman at Dickinson College in 1951. The front of the sign reads "Lewis D. Gobrecht" in large red letters and "AXP" penciled in smaller letters, with a list of names on the back written in pencil, likely the names of the other members of the Alpha Chi Rho pledge class.


200th Anniversary Patches, 1973

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00434
Shelf 2 (housed with 00432-00436, 00443, 00459, 00470)

Three shield shaped black and white patches featuring the devil mascot and banner reading "Dickinson College 200th Anniversary."
