Red Devils Mug, c.1985
A white, ceramic mug with a red and black design of a "D" with a devil's tail. Below the letter are the words "Red Devils Dickinson".
A white, ceramic mug with a red and black design of a "D" with a devil's tail. Below the letter are the words "Red Devils Dickinson".
Large, red, vinyl banner from the Athletics Department with the words "Dickinson College, Carlisle Penna" on it. There is a picture of the Red Devil mascot in the center.
Eleven shield shaped black and white patches featuring the devil mascot and banner reading "Dickinson College 200th Anniversary."
Two decals of Red Devil sitting on a letter "D".
Three pins, two are enamel and one is cloth. The cloth pin shows the college mascot, the Red Devil. The other two enamel are the College Seal in red and white with gold lettering and the doors of Old West.
Dark brown, 3.5 foot long, wooden Kappa Sigma fraternity paddle. On the front a Dickinson flag, Dickinson Seal, and Devil sitting on a "D" can be found. "What M[image of a hat]E worry?" can be seen across the top. On the back "Al 1963, "KΣ", and "Joe 1964" are shown around the fraternity seal. This paddle was given to Joe Icenhower when he pledged Kappa Sigma.