E. Herbert Garrison Dies in Red Devil Football Loss to Swarthmore

Date of Event
Sat., Oct. 23, 1886

Tragedy struck Carlisle on Oct. 23, 1886 as star defensive end E. Herbert Garrison suffered a head injury mid-game vs. Swarthmore and later passed away due to the severity of the injury. After being taken off of the field and to the hospital by an ambulance, the game continued and Dickinson ultimately lost 28-15.

1905 Freshman-Sophomore Football Game

Date of Event
Wed., Oct. 11, 1905

The annual Freshman-Sophomore football game was held at 2:00pm. A large enthusiastic crowd assembled to watch the much-anticipated game, which ended in a tie score of 5-5. Both the rigorous academic schedule of the sophomore class and the muddiness of the field contributed to their sub-par performance against the younger class. A rematch was requested when conditions were more favorable.

Event Type

Parents' Day 1971

Date of Event
Sat., Oct. 30, 1971

Fall Parents' Day activities included the Annual Parents' Convocation, a panel discussion, Buffet Luncheon, and football game against Georgetown. Entertainment provided by students included the final performance of the Mermaid Player's The Imaginary Invalid and the Annual Glee Club Concert and ODK Songfest.

Homecoming 1971

Date of Event
Fri., Oct. 15, 1971

This year's Homecoming program included a concert featuring the bands Seatrain and Grin, a Clambake and Chicken Barbeque, various lunches and dinners, the crowning of the Homecoming Queen, a football game against Franklin and Marshall, and the return of the Mermaid, which was kidnapped by a group of freshmen shortly after they arrived on campus.

Nude Freshman-Sophomore Scrap

Date of Event
Tue., Oct. 15, 1940

A band of nude sophomores attacked Conway Hall for a freshman-sophomore scrap at 10pm on Tuesday, October 15, 1940.  They stripped the freshmen and proceeded to grapple with them inside and outside the building.  Missiles of dirt were thrown from the lawn into the bathrooms and from the bathrooms to the hall.  The sophomores declared victory after an hour of fighting.

Event Type

1970 Homecoming Football Game

Date of Event
Sun., Sep. 27, 1970

The Red Devils faced Lebanon Valley in the 1970 homecoming football game, which ended in a 19-19 tie.  In the third quarter of the game, Lebanon valley was leading 16-0; quarterback Joe Wilson then led the Devils to a 19-16 lead.  In the final play of the game, Lebanon Valley scored a field goal that brought the score to a tie.

Event Type

Sailing-Dinghy Race

Date of Event
Sat., Nov. 26, 1932

The Dickinson team finished in third place in a sailing-dingy race sponsored by the Intercollegiate Yacht Racing Association held at Port Washington, Long Island.  William and Paul Woodward comprised the duo representing Dickinson.

Event Type

1932 Button Game

Date of Event
Wed., Mar. 9, 1932

The sophomores won the annual Button Game, a basketball tournament between the sophomore and freshman classes to determine whether freshmen will be permitted to stop wearing their buttons, with a score of 35-27.

Event Type

1931 Button Game

Date of Event
Thu., Mar. 5, 1931

The sophomores won by 21-17 the annual Button Game, a basketball game between the sophomores and first years that determines whether the first years must continue to wear their identifying buttons.  Harry Kane, Milt Davidson, and Joe Lipinski were the outstanding players for the sophomores.

1930 Flag Scrap

Date of Event
Wed., Oct. 15, 1930

The sophomores won the annual freshman-sophomore flag scrap at Biddle Field.  The scrap lasted for ten minutes, during which time the freshmen, led by Jack Fowler, attempted to remove the sophomores' flag from a greased and defended flagpole.  The sophomores' leader, Jimmy Knight, sat atop the pole.