Dickinsonian, February 18, 2005

This issue consists of articles on the expansion of the Dickinson Study Abroad Program. Announced that Jesse Ventura will speak at the upcoming Public Affairs Symposium. Students of legal drinking age question the existence of the "Dickinson Club," a faculty group that serves alcohol. Spotlight on the Phoenix Club. Alumnus profile on Julie Johnson '82. Biography on student athlete, Brad Litchfield '06.


Dickinsonian, April 9, 2004

Keystones and Phoenix provide service opportunities for interested students; the organizations' development is also considered. Author Tobias Wolff to speak on campus. The Clark Center sponsors a talk by CNN political correspondent Bill Schneider. International House to be relocated to Todd House. Biology majors and faculty research new drug. Jazz drummer Joe Morello to play in Jazz Ensemble's upcoming concert and deliver workshop on campus. Men's Lacrosse beats McDaniel for the first time in 27 years.
