Dickinsonian, January 16, 1948

Delta Phi Alpha, a national honorary German fraternity, establishes a chapter with the tapping of twelve students and two honorary members. A student gives a talk on problems facing the Middle East, focusing particularly on Palestine. Twenty-four students graduate. The Dickinsonian elects a new editor and head staff to replace outgoing senior members. An editorial appears on the status of civil liberties in the United States and the importance of ending racial, religious, and class discrimination.


Dickinsonian, November 1, 1947

Dickinson holds its twentieth Homecoming weekend, including a football game against Swarthmore. Senior Russell D. Fettrow receives the British Distinguished Flying Cross for his wartime service in the air force. Norman Thomas gives a lecture highlighting the need for disarmament and the basis of his socialist views. A guest editorial by Henry Wallace examining attacks on civil liberties in the right against communism appears. A small exhibit of college history is held in Bosler Hall. The administration declares a legal holiday for all students registered to vote.
