At their most recent meeting, the faculty passes changes in the academic program: a new academic calendar is adopted and the modern language requirement adopted calls for three semesters of instruction in a language. Fred Lumb resigns his position as Executive Director of Communications and Development. The federally funded work-study program has run out of money. Former Student Senate president Jack Stower addresses the Senate on Dickinson's judicial system. The Follies production of "Carnival" is well performed, but dated. The Mermaid Player's final production for the season will be "Time of Your Life." The second annual Black Arts Festival is a success. A two page spread complete with pictures is given to inform students what to expect from the newly constructed Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. Ralph Nader forms a Public Interest Research Group (PRIG) to promote student activism across the country. The Senior Class decides that caps and gowns will be optional for graduation. The Student Mobilization Committee plans massive anti-war protests. A formal dedication of the new Bernard Center for the Humanities will be held. A Presidential Executive Order has affected Selective Service policy by making it easier for men to be inducted where they choose and by closing loopholes used by draft resisters to delay induction. Plans are being made for Dickinson's participation in May Day, a nation-wide protest against the Indochina War.