Denny Hall Fire, 1904
View from the John Dickinson campus of the Denny Hall fire on March 3, 1904. East College is located behind the photographer.
View from the John Dickinson campus of the Denny Hall fire on March 3, 1904. East College is located behind the photographer.
View of the Denny Hall fire from the intersection of High and West Streets on March 3, 1904.
Members of the Dickinson College Preparatory School track team take a group picture in spring 1904.
This image is #299 of the oversized photograph collection.
View of the cornerstone laying ceremony for Denny Hall on June 7, 1904.
President George E. Reed is standing in the center of the picture and Horatio Collins King ('58) is sitting to the right.
This image is #77 of the oversized photograph collection.
View of the cornerstone laying ceremony for Denny Hall on June 7, 1904.
Professor James H. Morgan ('78) and trustee Horatio Collins King ('58) are standing on the platform.
This image is #78 of the oversized photograph collection.
View of the cornerstone laying ceremony for Denny Hall on June 7, 1904.
This image is #79 of the oversized photograph collection.
Members of the Dickinson College community, including students, faculty, and trustees, at the cornerstone laying ceremony for Denny Hall on June 7, 1904.
President George E. Reed is standing next to the cornerstone and Horatio Collins King ('58) is sitting on the stage.
This image is #80 of the oversized photograph collection.
Students and faculty at the cornerstone laying ceremony for Denny Hall on June 7, 1904. President George E. Reed is standing next to the cornerstone and Horatio Collins King ('58) is sitting on the stage.
Students and faculty at the cornerstone laying ceremony for Denny Hall on June 7, 1904. President George E. Reed is standing in the center of the picture and Horatio Collins King ('58) is sitting to the right.
Formal portrait of Charles G. Beetem (Class of 1904) around 1905.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: "1904 or 1905. Sent to Phila to start Mills"
Portrait of Frank Beetem around 1905.
View of the Bell Lettres Hall in Denny Hall around 1905.
View of Bosler Hall around 1905.
View of Bosler Memorial Library Hall around 1905.
View of Bosler Hall around 1905.
The future location of the Class of 1900 Gateway around 1905. This gateway is located at the corner of West High and North West Streets. Old West and East College are in the background.
The Class of 1909 stands outside the main entrance of Bosler Hall during their freshman year.
This image is #346 of the oversized photograph collection.
View of Conway Hall (left) and Montgomery Hall in 1905.
View of Conway Hall around 1905.
View of Denny Hall around 1905.
View of Denny Hall around 1905.
View of Denny Hall around 1905.