Phi Kappa Sigma, c.1900
Members of Phi Kappa Sigma around 1900.
Left to Right: Bertrand L. Chapman '02, Harry J. Sondheim '99, Boyd Lee Spahr '00 (in chair)
Members of Phi Kappa Sigma around 1900.
Left to Right: Bertrand L. Chapman '02, Harry J. Sondheim '99, Boyd Lee Spahr '00 (in chair)
Current and past members of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity around 1900:
1. Prof Edgar R. Heckman ‘97
2. Raymond Newman Hockenberry ‘99
3. Thomas Leonard Hoover ‘00
4. Bertrand L. Chapman ‘02
5. James Garfield Steese ‘02
6. Duncan Mervyn Graham ‘73
7. "Bottomley"
8. Dr. Charles Francis Himes ‘55
9. Harry J. Sondheim ‘99
10. Dorsey Newton Miller ‘01
11. Herman Bosler Biddle ‘03
12. Thomas “Dick” Moorehead Whiteman ‘99
13. George Willis Mitchell ‘95
14. “Little” Thomas Jones, ‘01
15. Dr. Ovando Byron Super ’73, Professor of Romance Languages
16. Eugene Foster Heller ‘04
17. Boyd Lee Spahr ’00
18. James Edward Belt ‘03
19. Myron Beshler Hockenberry ‘02
20. “Capt.” Forrest Eugene Craver ’99, Greek and Latin instructor Dickinson Preparatory
21. Paul T. Collins ‘03
22. John Ellsworth Beard ‘01
View as Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity brothers sit with their friends around 1900.
Members of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity and their friends around 1900.
Top Row, Left to Right: Mary Hepburn, Virg McIntire, Rose McKeehan, Clurie McKeehan, Toots Haddock
Bottom Row: [unknown], Herman Bosler Biddle '03, Eugene Foster Heller '04, William "Billy" Wooster '00, Edgar R. Heckman '97
Members of Phi Kappa Sigma around 1900.
Back row, left to right: Walter Wells Hoover '00, Thomas Leroy Jones '01, Raymond Newman Hockenberry '99, Dorsey Newton Miller '01, William Mark Wooster '01, Thomas Leonard Hoover '00
Middle Row: Harry J. Sondheim '99, Thomas Moorehead Whiteman '99, [unknown], John Ellsworth Beard '01
Front Row: Forrest Eugene Craver '99, Boyd Lee Spahr '00, [unknown]
Phi Kappa Sigma brothers pose for a picture around 1900.
Members of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity with friends around 1900. They are in the Phi Kappa Sigma Room above Stambaugh's store on the corner of Pitt St. & Main Street in Carlisle.
Top Row, left to right: William "Billy" Wooster '00, [unknown], Herman Bosler Biddle '03
Second Row: Marie Hepburn, Eugene Foster Heller '04
Third Row: [unknown], Clurie McKeehan, Virginia McIntire, Rose McKeehan, Toots Haddock
Bottom Row: Edgar R. Heckman '97
The Class of 1900 outside of South College during their senior year at Dickinson Preparatory School.
This image is #307 of the oversized photograph collection.
Margaret Dunlap Saxton is a member of the Class of 1900.
Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at a party with their dates around 1900.
Man seated on right, first row: Beuson Hardesty ('01)
Woman standing on left, third row: Ethlyn Hardesty ('02)
Boyd Lee Spahr is a member of the Class of 1900.
Malcolm Buchanan Sterrett is a member of the Class of 1900.
View of Tome Scientific Building around 1900.
View as two men stand outside an entrance to the Tome Scientific Building around 1900.
Two lacrosse players pose with their sticks.
View as two students sit in rocking chairs, possibly in their dorm room, around 1900.
View as two students study, possibly in a dorm room, around 1900.
Grace Greenwood Vale is a member of the Class of 1900.
Samuel Albertus Vanderwater is a member of the Class of 1900.
Harry Randall Wallis is a member of the Class of 1900.
George Short Williams is a member of the Class of 1900.
Albert Metzger Witwer is a member of the Class of 1900.
Though unlabeled, this photo may be a scene from May 28, 1900, when Natural Science Professor Charles F. Himes (Class of 1855; standing behind the gentleman wearing a hat and operating the larger camera), travelled with his wife Mary, and his two daughters, Mary and Anna, to Virginia Beach to observe a solar eclipse. The man operating the camera might be Dr. Kennelly of the American Institute of Electrical Engineering, who travelled with them.