Montgomery Hall, c.1900

View of Montgomery Hall around 1900. While the handwritten note below the image states that William Henry Allen built the house, Professor Robert Emory actually built the house in 1837. Dr. Allen was apparently the second owner of the house. The photograph appears in a scrapbook found within the J. Emory McClintock collection of personal papers.

The handwritten note, likely penned by a child or grandchild of John McClintock, reads: "House in Carlisle, Pa - Main Street, opposite Johnson [Johnston] Moore. Built by Dr. Allen. Dr. John McClintock 1853-1857."

MC 1999.12, box 3, folder 7

Morgan House, c.1900

View of Dr. James Henry Morgan's (Class of 1878) and Mary Curran Morgan's (Class of 1888) house around 1900.

This house, located on West Louther Street, was built in 1890 and served as the home of President Morgan for nearly fifty years. John Hartman (Class of 1932), and his wife Thora, donated it to the College in 1983.

Gift of Edith McElfish
PC 2008.2, folder 21