Members of the Class of 1918's basketball team during their sophomore year in 1916.
Back Row: James C. Hennen ; Robert E. Faddis ; Alvin S. Chilcoat
Front Row: Howard R. Breisch ; Eugene T. Flood ; Edward A. C. Brady
Members of the Class of 1918's basketball team during their sophomore year in 1916.
Back Row: James C. Hennen ; Robert E. Faddis ; Alvin S. Chilcoat
Front Row: Howard R. Breisch ; Eugene T. Flood ; Edward A. C. Brady
A couple and their dog pose for a picture on the John Dickinson campus around 1915. Denny Hall is visible in the background.
The debate team of 1919 poses for a formal photograph. The members are E. P. Lawrence, F. N. Talley, and J. D. Caldwell.
View of the southwest corner of Denny Hall from across the intersection of West and High Streets, circa 1910. Men are visible cleaning W. High Street in the lower right corner of the image.
A group of Dickinson women, including Miriam Dum, attended a YWCA Summer Conference in Granville, Ohio from June 24 to July 4, 1910.