Bosler Hall, c.1915
View of Bosler Hall around 1915.
View of Bosler Hall around 1915.
The Class of 1905 Gateway during the winter around 1915. This gateway is located on N. High Street. East College is in the background.
View of Conway Hall around 1915. Fink Hall is visible on the left.
View of Conway Hall from around 1915.
A couple and their dog pose for a picture on the John Dickinson campus around 1915. Denny Hall is visible in the background.
Postcard photograph of a group of students around 1915.
View of East College around 1915.
William H. Robinson (Class of 1915) and Frank Y. Jaggers (Class of 1915) sit in Room #14 in East College around 1915.
View as faculty and students pose for a picture on the academic quad around 1915. Bosler Hall, Old West, East College, and Denny Hall are visible in the background.
Students in this photo include: Esther Popel ('19) ; William Jefferson ('19)
This image is #3 of the panoramic photograph collection.
View of students in a "flag scrap" around 1915.
A live-action shot of the Dickinson football team during a game around 1915.
View of a football player around 1915.
The Football team in 1915.
This image is #237 of the oversized photograph collection.
Members of the Football team pose for a group photograph in 1915.
This image is #219 of the oversized photograph collection.
Former Professor Charles Francis Himes is a member of the Class of 1855.
The Inter-Collegiate Debating Team in 1915.
Front row from left to right: William Wilcox Edel ('15) and Robert B. Kistler ('15)
Back row from left to right: Leonard G. Hagner ('15), Garither P. Warfield ('15), Michael F. Davis ('15), and Homer M. Respess ('17)
This image is #326 of the oversized photograph collection.
View of the John Dickinson campus around 1915.
View of Lovers' Lane around 1915. East College is visible in the background.
Robert Emmet McAlarney is a member of the Class of 1893.
View of a group of students in the Old West cupola and a bicycle that was attached to the mermaid. The bike was put there as a prank by freshman members of Alpha Chi Rho during the 1914-15 school year. According to a letter by Frank Masland, class of 1918 and one of the participants, the stolen bike belonged to Chaplain Springer. The operation took place in the middle of the night, and the four students made a human ladder by climbing on each others shoulders in order to reach the top of the cupola and hoist the bike up. The college had to hire steeple jacks to take the bike down, after which the boys promptly stole it again.
View of a group of students in the Old West cupola and a bicycle that was attached to the mermaid.
The bike was put there as a prank by freshman members of Alpha Chi Rho during the 1914-15 school year. According to a letter by Frank Masland, class of 1918 and one of the participants, the stolen bike belonged to Chaplain Springer. The operation took place in the middle of the night, and the four students made a human ladder by climbing on each others shoulders in order to reach the top of the cupola and hoist the bike up. The college had to hire steeple jacks to take the bike down, after which the boys promptly stolen again.
Photograph of a bicycle that was attached to the mermaid on top of Old West.
The bike was put there as a prank by freshman members of Alpha Chi Rho during the 1914-15 school year. According to a letter by Frank Masland, class of 1918 and one of the participants, the stolen bike belonged to Chaplain Springer. The operation took place in the middle of the night, and the four students made a human ladder by climbing on each others shoulders in order to reach the top of the cupola and hoist the bike up. The college had to hire steeple jacks to take the bike down, after which the boys promptly stole it again.
President James Henry Morgan with (Class of 1878) other Dickinson College faculty at Pocono Pines around 1915.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: "Company of Dickinson teachers at Pocono Pines for summer school."
President James Henry Morgan (Class of 1878) around 1915.