Sigma Alpha Epsilon party, c.1900
Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at a party with their dates around 1900.
Man seated on right, first row: Beuson Hardesty ('01)
Woman standing on left, third row: Ethlyn Hardesty ('02)
Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at a party with their dates around 1900.
Man seated on right, first row: Beuson Hardesty ('01)
Woman standing on left, third row: Ethlyn Hardesty ('02)
Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon pose for a formal group photo in 1903.
This image is #362 of the oversized photograph collection.
View of East College around 1910.
The caption reads: "First Entrance, Theta Chi Fraternity ; Second Entrance, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frat. ; Fourth Entrance, Kappa Sigma Frat."
Four Sigma Alpha Epsilon brothers stand outside around 1910.
View of a Sigma Alpha Epsilon brother on a roof around 1910.
Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon stand outside a house around 1910.
Four Sigma Alpha Epsilon brothers stand outside around 1910.
A group of Sigma Alpha Epsilon brothers around 1910.
Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon sit on a wall with a dog around 1910.
The student holding the SAE pillow (3rd from left) is Hobart Munson Corning, a member of the Class of 1911. Corning marries Florence Kisner, also a member of the Class of 1911, and receives an Honorary Doctor of Science in 1953. The Kisner-Woodward dormitory is named for Florence's sister, Helen Kisner.
Three Sigma Alpha Epsilon brothers sit on a roof around 1910.
Several Sigma Alpha Epsilon brothers on the academic quad around 1910.
Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at an event around 1910.
View of a room with a variety of Sigma Alpha Epsilon memorabilia around 1910. This room is possibly in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon's house located just off of the northeast corner of West and Louther streets.
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity's dog around 1910.
Two Sigma Alpha Epsilon brothers around 1910.
A composite of the fraternity houses at Dickinson College around 1917.
View of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house around 1925.
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon house around 1925.
"Proposed Dorm for Future co-ed of D-son" float in the Dickinson College 175th Anniversary parade on April 24, 1948.
A Sigma Alpha Epsilon banner is attached to the rear of the float.
"Proposed Dorm for Future co-ed of D-son" float in the Dickinson College 175th Anniversary Parade on April 24th, 1948.
A Sigma Alpha Epsilon banner is attached to the rear of the float.
View of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity's spirit display for the Homecoming game against Johns Hopkins on November 12, 1949. The display includes a sign with the quote "'Abandon hope all ye who enter here' - Dante."
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity creates this team spirit display for the Homecoming game against Johns Hopkins on November 10, 1951. The display depicts the Johns Hopkins mascot, a blue jay, caught in the middle of a maze. The title for the display is "Trapped by Dickinson's Maze!" There is also a story to the left of the title banner which ends with "And her Victory will be won."
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity creates this team spirit display for a Homecoming game around 1960. The display features a large featherless chicken and a sign that reads "Pluck 'em!".
Sigma Alpha Epsilon brothers create this team spirit display for the Homecoming game against Haverford in fall 1962. The display features a sign that reads "Have-r-Ford won't travel, Wire D'son."
Weston Overhold '50 (right) receives an award from Sigma Alpha Epsilon President John C. McGee on October 6, 1962.