Six Students, c.1863

Posed shot of six students, identified as Admiral B. P. Lamberton (Class of 1862), Henry Clay Speake (Class of 1865), S. Townsend Armstrong (Class of 1863), James Buchanan Bowman (Class of 1865), James Lanius Himes (Class of 1865), and an individual with the surname Wilson.

Four of the six individuals are members of Phi Kappa Sigma, and five of the six individuals are members of the Belles Lettres Society.

C. L. Lochman, Carlisle, PA
Gift of Gilbert Malcolm
Groups and Organizations

Phi Kappa Sigma reunion, c.1895

Several early Phi Kappa Sigma members pose for a photo on the steps of West College during a reunion around 1895.

Horatio Collins King ('58) is sitting on the front step. Other alumni include Professor Charles Francis Himes ('55), John Tucker ('55), and James Watters ('56).

John N. Choate
Photograph Archives
Events and Activities
Groups and Organizations

Phi Kappa Sigma, c.1900

Current and past members of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity around 1900:

1. Prof Edgar R. Heckman ‘97

2. Raymond Newman Hockenberry ‘99

3. Thomas Leonard Hoover ‘00

4. Bertrand L. Chapman ‘02

5. James Garfield Steese ‘02

6. Duncan Mervyn Graham ‘73

7. "Bottomley"

8. Dr. Charles Francis Himes ‘55

9. Harry J. Sondheim ‘99

10. Dorsey Newton Miller ‘01

11. Herman Bosler Biddle ‘03

12. Thomas “Dick” Moorehead Whiteman ‘99

13. George Willis Mitchell ‘95

14. “Little” Thomas Jones, ‘01

15. Dr. Ovando Byron Super ’73, Professor of Romance Languages

16. Eugene Foster Heller ‘04

17. Boyd Lee Spahr ’00

18. James Edward Belt ‘03

19. Myron Beshler Hockenberry ‘02

20. “Capt.” Forrest Eugene Craver ’99, Greek and Latin instructor Dickinson Preparatory

21. Paul T. Collins ‘03

22. John Ellsworth Beard ‘01

Photograph Archives
Groups and Organizations

Phi Kappa Sigma, c.1900

Members of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity and their friends around 1900.

Top Row, Left to Right: Mary Hepburn, Virg McIntire, Rose McKeehan, Clurie McKeehan, Toots Haddock

Bottom Row: [unknown], Herman Bosler Biddle '03, Eugene Foster Heller '04, William "Billy" Wooster '00, Edgar R. Heckman '97

Photograph Archives
Groups and Organizations

Phi Kappa Sigma, c.1900

Members of Phi Kappa Sigma around 1900.

Back row, left to right: Walter Wells Hoover '00, Thomas Leroy Jones '01, Raymond Newman Hockenberry '99, Dorsey Newton Miller '01, William Mark Wooster '01, Thomas Leonard Hoover '00

Middle Row: Harry J. Sondheim '99, Thomas Moorehead Whiteman '99, [unknown], John Ellsworth Beard '01

Front Row: Forrest Eugene Craver '99, Boyd Lee Spahr '00, [unknown]

Photograph Archives
Groups and Organizations

Phi Kappa Sigma, c.1900

Members of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity with friends around 1900. They are in the Phi Kappa Sigma Room above Stambaugh's store on the corner of Pitt St. & Main Street in Carlisle.

Top Row, left to right: William "Billy" Wooster '00, [unknown], Herman Bosler Biddle '03

Second Row: Marie Hepburn, Eugene Foster Heller '04

Third Row: [unknown], Clurie McKeehan, Virginia McIntire, Rose McKeehan, Toots Haddock

Bottom Row: Edgar R. Heckman '97

Photograph Archives
Groups and Organizations

Phi Kappa Sigma members, 1918

View of Phi Kappa Sigma brothers from several different schools in military uniforms at the Plattsburgh Barracks in New York during the summer of 1918. The men marked with numbers 1, 3, 4, 7, 10 are from Dickinson. Other schools include Penn State, Richmond College, Randolph Macon, West Virginia, and Georgia Tech.

Gift of Charles L. Robinson
PC 2012.1, folder 10
Groups and Organizations