Mermaid Players, "The Way of the World," 1984
Drama Professor David Brubaker (center) stands with Kate (Kathy) Childress and Rebecca Frederick (right) on the set of the Mermaid Player's production of The Way of the World in April 1984.
Drama Professor David Brubaker (center) stands with Kate (Kathy) Childress and Rebecca Frederick (right) on the set of the Mermaid Player's production of The Way of the World in April 1984.
French professor John Henderson with student Brian John Fish '86 in July 1984.
French professor Ruth Ohayon, on left, speaks with student Jennifer Jones, Class of 1985, while walking on campus in July 1984.
View as Math Professor Lee Wilmer Baric (Class of 1956) talks with a student.
English professor Ellen Rosenman, far left, with others at the Women's Center, circa 1985.
A student and her chemistry professor observe the color of her reaction in a lab exercise in September 1985.
Members of the Spanish Club learn a dance in October 1986.
Music professor Forrest Posey, in center, speaks with two students in 1987.
American Studies professor Lonna Malmsheimer, on right, speaking with a student in her office on April 12, 1987.
Professor Richard M. Lane and a student use an electron microscope in January 1988.
Comparative Civilizations professor Harry Krebs speaks with a student at his department table at the Academic Open House on August 30, 1988.
Professor of Fine Arts and Gallery Director, David Robertson, center, speaks with a student at an Academic Open House on August 30, 1988.
Fine Arts professor Sharon Hirsh speaking with students on November 21, 1988.
Professor Ash Nichols of the English department, on right, speaks with a member of the class of 1993 at the Academic Open House on August 31, 1989.
Geology professor Scott Peterson, on right, speaks with a student at the Academic Open House on August 31, 1989.
Chemistry Professor Tom Brennan discusses the results of an experiment with two students around 1990.
Mathematics professor Thomas Drucker, on right, sorts through paperwork with Laura Croghan, Class of 1992.
Professor John Henson supervises two students performing microscopy work around 1990.
Professor Priscilla Laws with two students in the Physics Club in 1990.
Geology professor Noel Potter, in hat, examines an outcrop with Steve Lev (Class of 1992), standing behind, and Laura Pezzoli (student visiting from Bologna, Italy).
Music professor Robert Pound speaking with a student, circa 1990.
Professor of Mathematics Barry Tesman standing by computer in lab, talking with student.
Professor of Mathematics Barry Tesman sits on a desk in the computer lab and talks with a student.
Professor Todd Wronski talks to a student about the Theatre department during the Academic Open House in the Social Hall on August 26, 1990.