Football Team, 1967

Members of the 1967 football team pose for a picture.

First row: Roger M. Cook, Jeffrey L. Snook, William L. Traficanti, Andrew M. Bogdanoff, Earl L. Schorpp, Richard P. Mohlere (Jr.) (Co-Captain), Stephen J. Overcash (Co-Captain), Ronald E. Vican, Robert B. Jefferson, C. Ryan Jones, Mark D. Birdsall, Gregory A. Ross, W.J. Gobrecht

Second row: Raymond J. Hudak, Lawrence W. Torley, David A. Bressler, Charles H. Gifford, W. Michael Babb, Bruce R. Angelo, Kenneth L. Eichelberger, Gregory B. Abeln, Dennis A. Marge, Robert S. Long, Scott R. Sanders, George D. Reynolds, Joseph H. Hare

Third row: Frederic W. Schruers, Scott S. DeBold, George P. Boyer, Richard H. Henry, Stanley W. Pearson, John E. Person (III), Gary Greenberg, James L. Tallon, Geoffrey W. Henson, William J. Wallach, Lon C. Haines, John C. Maerz, Joseph J. Wilson

Fourth row: John E. Street (Equip. Manager), Robert E. Marshall (Line), Raymond H. Colvin, Thomas S. Arms (III), Glenn A. Scarborough, Harry C. Clay, Abner H. Bagenstose (III), Leonard B. Rankin, Alan E. Timmcke, David L. Margolis, John J. West, Stewart M. Mohr, Bruce Vogelsong (Trainer)

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1968

The football team of 1968 poses for this team picture.

First row: Jay C. Wagenseller, Robert S. Long, F. Philip Baughman, Mark D. Birdsall, Jeffrey L. Snook (Co-Captain), Roger M. Cook (Co-Captain), Gregory B. Abeln, Scott R. Sanders, Charles H. Gifford, W. Michael Babb, Gregory M. Van Doren

Second row: David L. Margolis, Richard H. Henry, John E. Person (III), Bruce R. Angelo, James L. Tallon, Cameron H. Conover, Kenneth L. Eichelberger, Arthur L. Travlos, Joseph J. Wilson, Lon C. Haines

Third row: George P. Boyer, Frederic W. Schruers, J. Rufus Caleb, John J. West, William J. Wallach, Alan E. Timmcke, Scott S. DeBold, Harry C. Clay (Jr.), William O. Barnard, Abner H. Bagenstose (III)

Fourth row: William A. Stambaugh, Joshua Allyn Thomas, Robert M. DiPuppo, Stephen F. King, Craig Walter, Terrill Stine, Dennis B. Davis, Glenn W. Boye, Mark E. Lichty

Fifth row: Wilbur J. Gobrecht (Head Coach), Robert E. Marshall (Line), Thomas G. Yost (Backs), Ross B. Gingrich (Assistant Trainer), Bruce Vogelsong (Trainer)

Photograph Archives