Football Team, 1965

The 1965 football team poses for a picture.

First row: Robert S. Averback, John M. Tassie (Jr.), J. Dallas Winslow, John W. Ritchie (Jr.), John F. Rhody (Jr.) (Co-Captain), Joel I. Rome (Co-Captain), John A. Bierly, Ernest E. Jones, Dean J. Kilpatrick, W.J. Gobrecht (Head Coach)

Second row: Joseph E. "Jack" Klinger (Jr.), James R. Morrisey, G. Richard Katzenbach, James L. Broughal, S. Rae Butler, Charles W. Ehrlich, Richard Lipinski, Thomas H. Keene, John A. Carl (Jr.), R. Thomas Phillips

Third row: Stephen J. Overcash, Richard P. Mohlere (Jr.), Gerald G. Groff, Nicholas A. Delmore, Robert B. Jefferson, Andrew M. Bogdanoff, Robert S. Warren, Dennis L. Wachter, Daniel M. Fry, J. Duane Ford

Fourth row: William J. Kleppinger, Jeffrey L. Snook, Roger M. Cook, Alfred H. Juechter, Mark D. Birdsall, F. Philip Baughman, Robert S. Long, Gregory B. Abeln, William M. Diefenderfer, John W. Podboy

Fifth row: Edward J. Ashnault (Backs), Robert E. Marshall (Line), William R. Minnick (Chief Scout), Joseph H. Hare, Bruce R. Angelo, John D. MacCloud, James R. Hanlin, Kenneth L. Eichelberger, Jeffrey S. Shaw, Bruce Vogelsong (Trainer)

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Football Team, 1966

The football team of 1966 poses for a picture.

First row: W.J. Gobrecht (Head Coach), Timothy M. Comstock, Charles W. Ehrlich, James R. Morrisey, G. Richard Katzenbach, Richard Lipinski, R. Thomas Phillips (Co-Captain), Dennis L. Wachter (Co-Captain), James L. Broughal, Joseph P. Marranca, E. Howard Goodwin, Daniel M. Fry, Thomas H. Keene

Second row: Nicholas A. Demore, Earl L. Schorpp, William L. Traficanti, Robert B. Jefferson, Stephen J. Overcash, David Lipinski, C. Ryan Jones, James B. Murphy, Ronald E. Vican, Robert S. Long, Gregory A. Ross

Third row: Joel M. Hamme (Manager), H. Lincoln Jacobs (Manager), John E. Street (Equip. Manager), Roger M. Cook, Joseph H. Hare, John H. "Jack" Stoddard, Alfred H. Juechter, Mark D. Birdsall, George D. Reynolds, Elliot A. Strokoff, Jeffrey P. Wheeler, Jeffrey L. Snook, Phillip Baughman

Fourth row: Edward J. Ashnault (Backs), Thomas G. Yost (Chief Scout), Robert E. Marshall (Line), Gary Greenberg, Cameron H. Conover, Joseph S. Henderson, John E. Person (III), Thomas A. Wallitsch, Stewart M. Mohr (Assistant Trainer), Peter J. Tamburro (Assistant Trainer), Bruce Vogelsong (Trainer)

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Football Team, 1967

Members of the 1967 football team pose for a picture.

First row: Roger M. Cook, Jeffrey L. Snook, William L. Traficanti, Andrew M. Bogdanoff, Earl L. Schorpp, Richard P. Mohlere (Jr.) (Co-Captain), Stephen J. Overcash (Co-Captain), Ronald E. Vican, Robert B. Jefferson, C. Ryan Jones, Mark D. Birdsall, Gregory A. Ross, W.J. Gobrecht

Second row: Raymond J. Hudak, Lawrence W. Torley, David A. Bressler, Charles H. Gifford, W. Michael Babb, Bruce R. Angelo, Kenneth L. Eichelberger, Gregory B. Abeln, Dennis A. Marge, Robert S. Long, Scott R. Sanders, George D. Reynolds, Joseph H. Hare

Third row: Frederic W. Schruers, Scott S. DeBold, George P. Boyer, Richard H. Henry, Stanley W. Pearson, John E. Person (III), Gary Greenberg, James L. Tallon, Geoffrey W. Henson, William J. Wallach, Lon C. Haines, John C. Maerz, Joseph J. Wilson

Fourth row: John E. Street (Equip. Manager), Robert E. Marshall (Line), Raymond H. Colvin, Thomas S. Arms (III), Glenn A. Scarborough, Harry C. Clay, Abner H. Bagenstose (III), Leonard B. Rankin, Alan E. Timmcke, David L. Margolis, John J. West, Stewart M. Mohr, Bruce Vogelsong (Trainer)

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1968

The football team of 1968 poses for this team picture.

First row: Jay C. Wagenseller, Robert S. Long, F. Philip Baughman, Mark D. Birdsall, Jeffrey L. Snook (Co-Captain), Roger M. Cook (Co-Captain), Gregory B. Abeln, Scott R. Sanders, Charles H. Gifford, W. Michael Babb, Gregory M. Van Doren

Second row: David L. Margolis, Richard H. Henry, John E. Person (III), Bruce R. Angelo, James L. Tallon, Cameron H. Conover, Kenneth L. Eichelberger, Arthur L. Travlos, Joseph J. Wilson, Lon C. Haines

Third row: George P. Boyer, Frederic W. Schruers, J. Rufus Caleb, John J. West, William J. Wallach, Alan E. Timmcke, Scott S. DeBold, Harry C. Clay (Jr.), William O. Barnard, Abner H. Bagenstose (III)

Fourth row: William A. Stambaugh, Joshua Allyn Thomas, Robert M. DiPuppo, Stephen F. King, Craig Walter, Terrill Stine, Dennis B. Davis, Glenn W. Boye, Mark E. Lichty

Fifth row: Wilbur J. Gobrecht (Head Coach), Robert E. Marshall (Line), Thomas G. Yost (Backs), Ross B. Gingrich (Assistant Trainer), Bruce Vogelsong (Trainer)

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1969

The 1969 football team poses for their picture.

First row: Harry C. Clay, Richard H. Henry, Gregory M. Van Doren (Co-Captain), John E. Person III (Co-Captain), Cameron H. Conover, Arthur L. Travlos, Scott S. DeBold, David L. Margolis

Second row: Craig Walter, David L. Leone, David R. Gaylord, Lon C. Haines, Alan E. Timmcke, John J. West, Joseph J. Wilson, Frederic W. Schruers

Third row: R. Bruce Allen, Robert J. Crobak, William A. Stambaugh, Glenn W. Boye, John H. Gerhard, Herbert J. Cully, Jan P. "Jay" Bellias, Robert L. Chamberlin

Fourth row: Darryl T. Barbee, Donald H. Rose, Richard A. Kiess, Steven Garland, Peter J. Anderson, James S. Slobozien, Frank L. Wilczynski, Gilpin R. Fegley

Fifth row: Christopher J. Sunday, Braxton F. Cross, William B. Stabert, Robert E. Jackson, Donald E. White

Sixth row: Wilbur J. Gobrecht (Head Coach), Robert E. Marshall (Line), David A. Wachter (Backs), William R. Minnick (Def. Line), Thomas G. Yost (Def. Backs), Ross B. Gingrich (Ass't Trainer), Bruce Vogelsong (Trainer)

Photograph Archives

Men's Basketball Team, 1970

The 1970 men's basketball team poses for a picture.

Kneeling: Head Coach Dave Watkins ; Byron McClanahan ; Cal Symons ; Fred Gardner ; Lloyd Bonner ; Dave Rahauser ; Tom Meier ; Assistant Coach Paul Anderson

Standing: Head Trainer Bruce Vogelsong ; Mike Venn ; Paul Schreiber ; Nick Boyer ; John Pearson ; Ted Jursek ; Bob Shapiro ; John Whitman ; Bill Berkmeier ; Manager Mark Caplan

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1971

The 1971 Dickinson College Red Devil Football Team poses for a photograph.

First row: Robert Jackson, James Slobozien, Craig Walter, William Stambaugh, Glenn Boye, Edward Dana, Donald Caccia, Methesulah Bradley, George F. "Nick" Boyer

Second row: Albert Heusner, Mark Lipstein, Michael Hawke, Robert Crobak, Robert Stewart, David Hamilton, Braxton Cross, Donald Rose, David Haag

Third row: Thomas Beck, Charles Coslett, Eugene Sienkiewicz, Peter Moyes, John Colburn, Jeffrey Truskey, Gary Prowe, Jan "Jay" Bellias, Brian Bissey

Fourth row: Kurt Williams, Herman Wisdom, James Jobson, Gary Williams, Wasyl Bojczuk, James Newcomer, William Thomas, Joseph Digney

Fifth row: Steven Shisler, Robert Weinreb, Christopher Fleming, Mark Holencik, Gerald Urich, Douglas Wolf (Student Trainer), Louis Bowman (Student Trainer), Steven Aldinger (Student Trainer)

Six row: Wilbur J. Gobrecht (Head Coach), John Schrock (Off. Line), Dean Rossi (Off. Back), Bob Rice (Def. Line), Tom Yost (Def. Back), Bruce Vogelsong (Athletic Trainer)

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1972

The football team of 1972 poses for their team picture.

First row: David Hamilton, Alan Jackson, Dennis Fortune, Albert Heusner, Donald Rose, Robert Crobak, Thomas Beck (co-captain), William Stabert, James Slobozien (co-captain), Mark Lipstein

Second row: William Thomas, Mark Holencik, Wasyl Bojczuk, Herman Wisdom, Gary Williams, Jeffrey Truskey, John Colburn, Peter Moyes, Eugene Sienkiewicz, James Newcomer

Third row: Robert Weinreb, Bradford Croft, Steven Spotts, Robert Leslie, Jeffrey McGlaughlin, Brain Bissey, Gerald Urich, Christopher Fleming, Craig Bornholm, Jay Levins

Fourth row: David Cheek, Donald Johnson, Bruce Miller, Paul Ausherman, Patrick Cassidy, Richard Deveney, Brian Pirilla, Gregory Alex, John Mac’Kie, James Hayden

Fifth row: Michael McNulty (student trainer), Charles Hambrook (ball boy), Peter DeBaun, Joern (John) Beneke, John Farrell, Bradley Eslinger, Louis Bowman (student trainer), David Fitzgerald (student trainer), Christopher Seifert (student trainer), Bruce Vogelsong (head trainer)

Sixth row: Wilbur Gobrecht (head coach), Harold Price (off. back), Leon Fitts (def. line), John “Whitey” Schrock (off. line), Thomas Yost (def. back)

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People (additional)

Football Team, 1973

The 1973 football team.

First row: Mark Holencik, Gerald Urich, John Colburn, Peter Moyes, Jeffrey Truskey, Eugene Sienkiewicz, William Stabert, Gary Williams, James Newcomer, Christopher Fleming

Second row: William Thomas, Joern Beneke, Bradford Croft, Jeffrey McGlaughlin, Steven Spotts, Craig Bornholm, Wasyl Bojczuk, Robert Weinreb, John Mac’Kie, Peter DeBaun, Brian Pirilla

Third row: Thomas Nazarek, Michael Bane, Donald Johnson, James Hayden, Jay Levins, Richard Deveney, Patrick Cassidy, Gregory Yocca, Gary Smith, Richard Thomas, Gregory Alex

Fourth row: James Gerlach, Andrew Evanko, William McAllister, Gary Meili, Robert Cleland, Michael McCann, James Reilly, William Cashman, Stanley Wolowski, Martin Heine, Michael Maddox

Fifth row: William Nash, Neil Selmer, Bernard Driscoll, Joseph Navarra, David Robertson, Thomas Sayor, Claude Shields, Kenneth Weiss, Daniel Czaplicki, Joseph Molitoris, Bruce Walkovich

Sixth row: Wlibur Gobrecht (head coach), Frank Basehoar (asst. coach), Bob Averback (asst. coach), Harold Price (asst. coach), Thomas Yost (asst. coach), Leon Fitts (asst. coach), Matthew Creme (trainer), Robert Emerson (trainer), Bradley Eslinger (trainer), Michael McNulty (trainer), Michele “Shelly” Wright (trainer), Bruce Vogelsong (head trainer)

Photograph Archives

Men's Basketball Team, 1973

The 1973 men's basketball team.

Front row: Harold Shaw (student equipment manager), Greg Gaskins, Francis Noonan, Richard Barnoski, Mark Betts, George Gorman, Gary "Skip" Poliner (student manager)

Back row: Paul Anderson (asst. coach), Michael McNulty (student trainer), Daniel Gilbert, Guy Brunt, Jeff Thompson, Steve Piper, Jay Tress, George “Nick” Boyer, P. Richard Wagner, Bruce Vogelsong (trainer), David Watkins (head coach)

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1974

The 1974 football team poses for a picture.

First row: Joseph Brennan, Brian Pirilla, Gerald Urich (Tri-Captain), James Newcomer (Tri-Captain), Christopher Fleming (Tri-Captain), Herman Wisdom, Robert Booz, Mark Holencik, Gregory Alex

Second row: William Cashman, James Gerlach, Richard Deveney, Donald Johnson, Joern Beneke, Daniel Basehoar, Patrick Cassidy, Craig Bornholm, Stuart Goldman

Third row: Martin Heine, Gary Smith, Claude Shields, Robert Cleland, Andrew Evanko, James Reilly, Gary Meili, Charles McKain, Mark Eslinger

Fourth row: Alanson Johnson, Joseph Molitoris, Bernard Driscoll, Joseph Navarra, John Misciagna, John Fahey, George Washington, Robert Muolo, Stanley Wolowski

Fifth row: Richard Dowell, Michael Maddox, Mario Shannon, Greg Robel, James Hartman, David France, Glenn Snelling

Sixth row: Wilbur J. Gobrecht (Head Coach), Frank Basehoar, Harold Price, Thomas Yost, Dr. Leon Fitts, Bradley Eslinger, Matthew Crème, Michael McNulty, Bruce Vogelsong (Head Trainer)

Not pictured: Javier Worthington, Bryan Wilt, Michael Yazvac, Craig Cheplick, Howard Eisenhardt, Keith Miller

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1975

The 1975 Red Devil football team poses for a picture.

First row: Bernard Driscoll, Donald Johnson, Daniel Basehoar, John Misciagna, Richard Deveney, Gregory Alex (Co-Captain), Craig Bornholm (Co-Captain), John Mac’Kie, Peter DeBaun, Patrick Cassidy, Brian Pirilla

Second row: Michael Maddox, James Thomas, Martin Heine, James Reilly, Gary Meili, Stanley Wolowski, Gary Smith, Robert Cleland, James Gerlach, Claude Shields, Andy Evanko

Third row: Howard “Buddy” Eisenhardt, Robert Leslie, Javier Worthington, Glenn Snelling, Keith Miller, John Fahey, Craig Cheplick, Michael Yazvac, Richard Dowell, Alanson Johnson, John Maley

Fourth row: Mario Shannon, George Washington, James Hartman, Gregory Robel, Charles McKain, Robert Muolo, Paul Saucier, Scott Wyckoff, Lucas Clark, Patrick Milberger, James Tackett

Fifth row: Daniel Gladys, Mark Gorscak, Dennis Dunn, Lloyd Shaffer, Jens Damgaard, Steven Cline, Gary Byron, James Unger, Thomas Daniels, Bruce Herman, Kevin Gorman, Anthony Cugini, Patrick McCourt

Sixth row: Wilbur J. Gobrecht (Head Coach), Frank Basehoar, Harold Price, Leon Fitts, Thomas Yost, Matthew Creme, Sandra Beyer, Christopher Moersch, Michael McCann, Bruce Vogelsong

Photograph Archives

Men's Basketball Team, 1972

The men's basketball team take a photograph in 1972.

Front row: David Watkins (coach), Al Vican, John Whitman (captain), Paul Schreiber, Paul Anderson (asst. coach).

Back row: Mark Caplan (manager), Michael "Mike" Sutton, Daniel Gilbert, Jeff Thompson, Steve Piper, Guy Brunt, Richard Barnoski, Francis Noonan, Bruce Vogelsong (trainer).

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1976

The 1976 football team of Dickinson College takes their annual photo.

First row: Andrew Evanko, Bernard Driscoll, Stanley Wolowski, Robert Cleland, Gary Smith, Claude Shields, James Gerlach, James Reilly, Gary Meili, Martin Heine, Michael Maddox, Bradford Wenger

Second row: Kevin Gorman, Gary Byron, John Fahey, Mario Shannon, George Washington, Richard Dowell, Michael Yazvac, Alanson Johnson, Charles McKain, Keith Miller, Robert Muolo

Third row: Michael Andris, Patrick McCourt, Jens Damgaard, Mark Gorscak, Patrick Milberger, James Tackett, Steven Cline, Thomas Daniels, Lloyd Shaffer, Lucas Clark, John Maley, Anthony Cugini

Fourth row: Peter Williams, Bruce McDonald, David Sisk, Robert Weed, Gary Knechtel, Jay Steinman, John Grandy, Kelly King, Michael Highberger, Richard Taylor, Paul Landry, John Argento, Steven Hoffman

Fifth row: Wilbur J. Gobrecht (Head Coach), John Johnston, Frank Basehoar, Leon Fitts, Thomas Yost, Matthew Creme (trainer), David Delduco (trainer), Bruce Vogelsong (Head Trainer)

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1977

The 1977 football team photo.

First row: Anthony Cugini, John Maley, Keith Miller, Mario Shannon, George Washington, Javier Worthington, John Fahey, Michael Yazvac, Richard Dowell, Charles McKain, Alanson Johnson

Second row: Patrick McCourt, Scott Nassar, Mark Gorscak, Gary Byron, James Tackett, Lloyd Shaffer, Paul Saucier, Kevin Gorman, Patrick MIlberger, Steven Cline, Scott Wyckoff

Third row: James Slattery, Michael Andris, Raymond Mitchell, Richard Malacrea, John Kunkle, Bruce McDonald, William Tambussi, Gary Knechtel, Kelly King, Jay Steinman, Paul Landry, Steven Hoffman, John Argento

Fourth row: Michael Highberger, John Diorio, Scott Mumma, James Bolton, Peter Resch, Hal Hockfield, William Conwell, Paul Lupinacci, Charles Boyd, Michael Ridgway, Brian Starkman, Jonathan Lapps, Arnold DiJoseph

Fifth row: Wilbur J. Gobrecht, Ray Erney, Leon Fitts, Larry Godshall, Frank Basehoar, Paul McNaulty, Jonathan Schulze, Bruce Vogelsong

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People (additional)

Football Team, 1978

The 1978 football team poses for a picture.

First row: Patrick Milberger, Kevin Gorman, Mark Gorscak, Steven Cline, Scott Nassar, Jens Damgaard, Gary Byron, Anthony Cugini, John Maley, Lloyd Shaffer, Paul Saucier, James Tackett, Craig Schwartz, Scott Wyckoff

Second row: Kelly King, Michael Andris, James Slattery, Richard Malacrea, William Gray, John Lapps, Jay Steinman, Gary Knechtel, Michael Highberger, Paul Landry, Steven Hoffman, John Argento

Third row: Charles Boyd, Scott Mumma, John Diorio, William Conwell, Michael Ridgeway, Brian Starkman, Hal Hockfield, Ray Freeman, Peter Resch, James Bolton, Paul Lupinacci

Fourth row: Andrew Lieberman, Robert Curley, Bernard Tokarczyk, Robert Burris, Scott Galbraith, Mark Sperry, Christopher Carson, William White, Eric Posey, Andrew Kuhl, Steven Snyder, Lee Riley

Fifth row: John Ott (Equipment Manager), Keith Adams (Equipment Manager), Keith Miller (Linebackers), Larry Godshall (Offensive Back), Donald Johnson (Quarterbacks & Receivers), Wilbur J. Gobrecht (Head Coach), James Tanner (Defensive Line), Frank Basehoar (Offensive Line), Raymond Erney (Defensive Back), Thomas Cashman (trainer), Lee Stone (trainer), Bruce Vogelsong (head trainer)

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1979

The 1979 football team poses for a picture.

First row: William Gray, Richard Malacrea, Arnold DiJoseph, Jonathan Lapps, James Slattery, Michael Highberger, Michael Andris, Kelly King, Jay Steinman, Gary Knechtel, Raymond Mitchell, Paul Landry, Steven Hoffman, John Argento

Second row: Paul Lupinacci, Hal Hockfield, Matthew Boland, Michael Ridgway, Charles Boyd, Brian Starkman, Robert Curley, Ray Freeman, William Conwell, John DiOrio, Scott Mumma, Eugene Krygier, James Bolton, Peter Resch

Third row: Steven Snyder, Francis Meeteer, Christopher Carson, Robert Burris, Bernard Tokarczyk, Scott Galbraith, Randall Morgan, Lee Riley, Mark Sperry, Andrew Kuhl, Eric Posey, William White, Andrew Lieberman

Fourth row: Marc Rosenkrantz, William Hanby, Jarrel Tackett, Jeffrey Page, Christopher Connelly, Jacob Vaxmonsky, Charles Casalnova, Thomas Merlie, John Reynolds, Mark Kopenhaver, Thomas Fleming, James Carson, Jack Morris, Gary Wiegman, Paul Stevens

Fifth row: James Gerlach, Dennis Shank, James Tanner, Leon Fitts, Wilbur J. Gobrecht, Raymond Erney, Andrew Kramer, Richard Cohen, Gary Ruhl, Bruce Vogelsong

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