Football Team, 1980

The 1980 football team poses for a picture at Biddle field. 

First row: Robert Curley ; Hal Hockfield ; Raymond Freeman ; Paul Lupinacci ; Brian Starkman ; Scott Mumma (Tri-Captain) ; Michael Ridgway (Tri-Captain) ; James Bolton (Tri-Captain) ; William Conwell ; John DiOrio ; Peter Resch ; Charles Boyd

Second row: Jacob Vaxmonsky ; Carmen C. "Chip" Rocco ; Alex Talmadge ; David Garrett ; Steven Snyder ; Robert Burris ; Andrew Lieberman ; Eric Posey ; Andrew Kuhl ; Mark Sperry ; William White ; Christopher Carson ; Bernard Tokarczyk

Third row: Robert Stern ; Thomas Fleming ; Christopher Connelly ; Marc Rosenkrantz ; Adam Schiffer ; William Hanby ; Jack Morris ; Mark Kopenhaver ; Greg Kurey ; John Reynolds ; Jarrel Tackett ; Thomas Merlie ; Charles Casalnova ; James Carson

Fourth row: Carl Robert "Chip" Hesse ; Tim Yurek ; Robert McAlaine ; Thomas Kirlin ; Douglas Keating ; William Carney ; David Issac ; Keith Mottus ; M. Craig Wolf ; Louis Ziccarelli ; Harry Giacometti ; Eugene Assaf

Fifth row: Richard C. Cronin ; Dennis K. Shank ; Thomas J. Walton ; James N. Tanner ; Coach and Classical Studies Professor Leon Fitts ; Head Coach Ray Erney ; Kirby Shank

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1981

The 1981 football team poses for a team picture.

First row: David Oh, Eric Posey, Frank Meeteer, Robert Long, William White, Mark Sperry, Andrew Kuhl, Robert Burris, Christopher Carson, Steven Snyder, Andrew Lieberman

Second row: Harry Giacometti, William Hanby, Jack Morris, Mark Kopenhaver, Thomas Fleming, Adam Schiffer, Carl Hesse, Thomas Merlie, David Garrett, Charles Casalnova, Marc Rosenkrantz

Third row: John Philips, Jarrel Tackett, John Reynolds, James Carson, Thomas Kirlin, Eugene Assaf, Louis Ziccarelli, Robert McAline, Keith Mottus, Martin Mastovich, David Pascal, Doug Keating

Fourth row: Craig Wolf, Nicholas Gekas, William Carney, Jeffrey Ziemer, Brad Blumberg, John Parker, Gregory Chelap, Bruce Shoop, Charles Tulaney, Kevin Kane, Paul Baer

Fifth row: Timothy Yurek, Timothy Kay, Kenneth Pickering, Winfred Franklin “Buzz” Keough, John O’Malley, Jay Rauscher, Louis Ciampi, Thomas Cook, John Massaro, Kevin Borusiewicz, Scott Spelker

Sixth row: William Hoffman, Kirby Shank, Ray Erney, Bill Leonard, Thomas Walton, Leon Fitts, Dennis Shank, James Tanner, Christopher Shank, Doug Erney

Photograph Archives