Football Team, 1981

The 1981 football team poses for a team picture.

First row: David Oh, Eric Posey, Frank Meeteer, Robert Long, William White, Mark Sperry, Andrew Kuhl, Robert Burris, Christopher Carson, Steven Snyder, Andrew Lieberman

Second row: Harry Giacometti, William Hanby, Jack Morris, Mark Kopenhaver, Thomas Fleming, Adam Schiffer, Carl Hesse, Thomas Merlie, David Garrett, Charles Casalnova, Marc Rosenkrantz

Third row: John Philips, Jarrel Tackett, John Reynolds, James Carson, Thomas Kirlin, Eugene Assaf, Louis Ziccarelli, Robert McAline, Keith Mottus, Martin Mastovich, David Pascal, Doug Keating

Fourth row: Craig Wolf, Nicholas Gekas, William Carney, Jeffrey Ziemer, Brad Blumberg, John Parker, Gregory Chelap, Bruce Shoop, Charles Tulaney, Kevin Kane, Paul Baer

Fifth row: Timothy Yurek, Timothy Kay, Kenneth Pickering, Winfred Franklin “Buzz” Keough, John O’Malley, Jay Rauscher, Louis Ciampi, Thomas Cook, John Massaro, Kevin Borusiewicz, Scott Spelker

Sixth row: William Hoffman, Kirby Shank, Ray Erney, Bill Leonard, Thomas Walton, Leon Fitts, Dennis Shank, James Tanner, Christopher Shank, Doug Erney

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1982

The 1982 football team poses for a team picture.

Front Row (left to right): Gary Auerbach, John Philips, Tom Fleming, Harry Giacometti, Tom Merlie, Mark Kopenhaver, Chuck Casalnova, Jack Morris, Jack Reynolds, Jerry Tackett, Dave Garrett, Jim Caron, Chris Connelly, Chip Hesse, Bill Hanby.

2nd Row: Lou Ziccarelli, Bill Carney, Craig Wolf, Tim Yurek, Gene Assaf, Tom Kirlin, Chuck Tulaney, Mike Blee, Doug Keating, Dion Rassias, Tom Cook, Keven Kane, Jack O'Malley, Tim Kay, John Parker.

3rd Row: Buzz Keough, Damien DelDuca, Bruce Shoop, Mike Hirthler, Lou Ciampi, Greg Chelap, Scott Spelker, Daryl Shapiro, Paul Baer, Jay Rauscher, Steve Rifkin, Doug Stevens, Jim Romanelli, Kevin Kessler, Scott Avery, Jim Dempsey.

4th Row: John Kosobucki, Steve Tremitiere, Stan Abromavage, Eric Bergh, Bob Callum, Eric Hellman, Shawn Matlock, Phi Garrubbo, Keith Cavanaugh, Greg Pesce, Chuck Silver, Tim Bradley, Mark Moyer, Doug Sheeley, Scott Onest

5th Row: Head Coach Ray Erney, Coach William Leonard, Coach Don Heiges, Coach Mark Gorscak, Coach Leon Fitts, Coach Tom Walton.

Not Pictured: Mark Rosenkrantz (#20)

Gift of John W. Philips (Class of 1983)
Private Collection

Football Team, 1984

The 1984 Red Devil football team poses for a picture.

First row: Bruce Shoop, Winfred “Buzz” Keough, Steven Tremitiere, Gregory Chelap, Louis Ciampi, Timothy Kay, John Parker, Scott Spelker, Thomas Cook

Second row: James Dempsey, Marc Moyer, Douglas Edelman, Douglas Sheeley, Stanley Abromavage, William Zimmerman, Richmond Allen, Robert Callum, Philip Garrubbo, Eric Bergh

Third row: Eric Payne, John Kosobucki, Craig Hoover, Kevin Tama, Leo McCloskey, Todd Engels, Robert Dehney, David Hurley, Robert Peifer

Fourth row: Steven McEwen, Shawn Matlock, Brian Sullivan, Kevin Reynolds, Joseph “Jody” Foster, Todd Potochnik, Richard Gilbert, Thomas Hutchinson, Douglas Stevens

Fifth row: John Zedolik, Scott Houldsworth, Charles Winter, Kenneth Peterson, Eric Dunn, Steven Esmond, Charles Jones, Thomas Hauser, John Grant

Sixth row: Paul Racenet, Christopher Henwood, John Quirk, David Webster, Paul Campbell, Kevin Curley, David Huber, William Sticka, David Shady

Seventh row: Dutch Kepner, Mark Gorscak, Wilbur J. Gobrecht, Richard Gray, William Leonard, James Baker, Margaret Kozak, Robert Shank, Jeanette Shilling, Peter Mayock

Photograph Archives