Football Team, 1984

The 1984 Red Devil football team poses for a picture.

First row: Bruce Shoop, Winfred “Buzz” Keough, Steven Tremitiere, Gregory Chelap, Louis Ciampi, Timothy Kay, John Parker, Scott Spelker, Thomas Cook

Second row: James Dempsey, Marc Moyer, Douglas Edelman, Douglas Sheeley, Stanley Abromavage, William Zimmerman, Richmond Allen, Robert Callum, Philip Garrubbo, Eric Bergh

Third row: Eric Payne, John Kosobucki, Craig Hoover, Kevin Tama, Leo McCloskey, Todd Engels, Robert Dehney, David Hurley, Robert Peifer

Fourth row: Steven McEwen, Shawn Matlock, Brian Sullivan, Kevin Reynolds, Joseph “Jody” Foster, Todd Potochnik, Richard Gilbert, Thomas Hutchinson, Douglas Stevens

Fifth row: John Zedolik, Scott Houldsworth, Charles Winter, Kenneth Peterson, Eric Dunn, Steven Esmond, Charles Jones, Thomas Hauser, John Grant

Sixth row: Paul Racenet, Christopher Henwood, John Quirk, David Webster, Paul Campbell, Kevin Curley, David Huber, William Sticka, David Shady

Seventh row: Dutch Kepner, Mark Gorscak, Wilbur J. Gobrecht, Richard Gray, William Leonard, James Baker, Margaret Kozak, Robert Shank, Jeanette Shilling, Peter Mayock

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Football Team, 1985

The 1985 Red Devil football team poses for a picture.

First row: Douglas Sheeley, Thomas Capehart, Stanley Abromavage, Marc Moyer, Brian Callum, Philip Garrubbo

Second row: Shawn Matlock, K. Cavanaugh, Eric Bergh, Richmond Allen, Craig Hoover, Todd Engels, Thomas Hutchinson, Eric Payne

Third row: David Hurley, Kevin Reynolds, Michael Monoghan, Todd Potochnik, Kenneth Peterson, Kevin Marciano, Richard Gilbert, Peter Mayock

Fourth row: J. Tiboni, David Webster, Charles Winter, Christopher Henwood, Thomas Hauser, Charles Jones, Eric Dunn, Richard Wilson, Steven Esmond

Fifth row: John Peterson, John Zedolik, John Grant, Scott Houldsworth, Paul Campbell, William Sticka, J. Bucci, James Brian, J. Dragan, Ronald Duska

Sixth row: B. Pafford, Keith Wilson, Charles Tea, Jeffrey Monzo, Frank Antico, Mark Palmer, Joseph David Devivo, Jeffrey Donnelly, Eric Riso, Michael Frank, George Stark, Robert King

Seventh row: George Nocito, Robert Maryott, Gregory Philpott, W. Prolasky, Patrick Hehir, Marc Kessler, Anthony Simmons, Michael Neiffer, John Saleda, D.J. Mostellar, Charles Parsons, John Winnikur, Kenneth Bowman

Eighth row: Edward Sweeney, Joel Quattrone, Brian Waldron, Roger Mrusek, B. Eavenson, Todd Engels, David Bengston, David Eavenson

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Football Team, 1986

The 1986 football team poses for a team photo.

First row: Scott Houldsworth, Richard Gilbert, Kevin Reynolds, Eric Payne, Michael Monoghan, Thomas Hutchinson, Peter Mayock, Kenneth Peterson

Second row: Lawrence DeMarco, Lawrence Barone, John Peterson, William Sticka, David Webster, Richard Wilson, Keith Wilson, Marc Kessler, Joseph David Devivo, Christopher Henwood, Steven Esmond

Third row: Andrew Chilicki, Jeffrey Monzo, Charles Tea, John Saleda, Patrick Hehir, Mark Palmer, Eric Riso, James Brian, Charles Parsons, Kenneth Bowman, Frank Antico, Ronald Duska

Fourth row: John Devlin, Anthony Kakalec, Joseph Trainer, James Arch, Ryan Balderston, John Steinmetz, Michael Birosak, Christian Westcott, Cosmas Lykos, Brett Levinson, David DiOrio, Mark Landini

Fifth row: Peter Matthews, Athanasios Mazias, Jay Cartwright, Winfield Smarthers, Robert Schnarrs, Todd Dell, Hal Eaton, James Murray, Gerald McLaughlin, Thomas Hellings, Anthony Kilker

Sixth row: Scott Schlett, Richard Mack, Robert Sharpe, Kevin Nathan, Christopher Steel, Patrick Wilson, Michael Mazurek, Raymond Birney, Douglas Wisor, Ronald Rodericks, Donald Rieck, Sean Maloney

Seventh row: David Steckel, Richard Bates, Joel Quattrone, Scott Shank, Marlin “Spider” Hetrick, John Brown, Robert Pendergast, Edward Sweeney

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Men's Basketball Team, 1986

The 1986 men's basketball team takes a team photograph.

Kneeling: Chris Kase, Michael Erdos, Gary Markle, Chappell Carter, Cal Williams, Thomas Wernoch, Peter Mayock

Standing: James Rohlfing, Joseph Workman, Daniel Walsh, Burt Scheaffer, Robert Yoder, Edward Kirkpatrick, Chip Holgren, Peter Gilbert

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Football Team, 1988

The 1988 Red Devil Football Team poses for a picture at Biddle field. 

First row: George Nocito, Joseph David Devivo, Ronald Duska, Eric Riso, Keith Wilson, Kenneth Bowman, Frank Antico, Patrick Hehir, Jeffrey Monzo

Second row: Edward Tell, Peter Matthews, Patrick Wilson, Sean Maloney, Douglas Wisor, Christian Westcott, Andrew Chilicki, Scott Schlett, Lawrence Barone, Joseph Trainer

Third row: James Arch, Winfield Smathers, James Murray, Robert Schnarrs, Gerald McLaughlin, Michael Mazurek, David Carlin, Cosmas Lykos, Jeffrey Borroni, Matthew Guedes, Kurt Spangenberg, Shaughn White

Fourth row: Stephen Miholovich, Hal Eaton, Robert Loughery, Dennis Connor, Kevin Nathan, David Williamson, Christopher Cerniglia, Christopher Steel, Joseph Glavin, Stephen Miller, Brian Groce, Athanasios Mazias

Fifth row: Richard Tecco, John Mackey, Scott Bornholdt, John Meluskey, Scott Cohen, Vincent Correal, Thomas Wernersbach, David Giordano, Michael Birosak, John Paul Bernatavitz, Matthew Ferraro, Kurt Muller

Sixth row: Andrew Walsh, John Fay, Dennis Glynn, Daniel Murphy, Theodore Shober, Jeffrey Braido, Thomas Casciani, Thomas Powers, Eric Dalius, Christopher Potter, Ian Pilcher, Fred Kim, Stuart James

Seventh row: Peter Mayock, Ben Miller, Joel Quattrone, Edward Sweeney, David Breshi, David Eavenson, Mark Palmer

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Football Team, 1989

The 1989 football team poses for a picture.

First row: Cosmas Lykos, Lawrence Barone, Patrick Wilson, Kevin Nathan, Ryan Balderston, Joseph Trainer, Scott Schlett, Gerald McLaughlin, James Arch, Chrisian Westcott, James Murray

Second row: Sean Maloney, Robert Schnarrs, Christopher Steel, Michael Mazurek, Peter Matthews, Ronald Rodericks, Douglas Wisor, Andrew Chilicki, Donald Rieck, Athanasios Mazias, Winfield Smathers, Michael Birosak

Third row: Kurt Spangenberg, Stephen Miller, John Paul Bernatavitz, Matthew Guedes, Scott Bornholdt, Vincent Correal, Robert Loughery, Dennis Connor, Christopher Cerniglia, John Meluskey, David Williamson, Scott Cohen

Fourth row: Thomas Powers, Jonathon Zeszotarski, Shaughn White, Fred Kim, Goeffrey O’Donnell, Theodore Shober, Stephen Miholovich, John Mackey, Thomas Wernersbach, David Giordano, Thomas Casciani

Fifth row: Timothy Dougherty, Michael Krasnow, Alexander Plomaritis, Christopher Moore, Michael Sterner, Jeffrey Gercak, Daniel Hickey, James McGeehan, Thomas Miller, Lloyd Sirman, Brendan McDonald, Frederick Ridgway, Brian Ridgway, Michael Lawlor, Bryan Carson

Sixth row: Mark Carrano, Craig Rippole, Derek Evans, Thomas Chillot, Michael Colledge, Matthew Glennon, Glenn Sheader, Gregory Dolhon, Anthony Bonomo, Jeffrey Mayer, Ali Mostafavee, Anthony Casdia, Richard Watson, David Buckhoff, Patrick Conrad

Seventh row: Timothy Butterfield, Robert Shank, Ben Miller, Joel Quattrone, Peter Mayock, Darwin Breaux, John Eavenson, David Eavenson, George Nocito, David Breschi, Edward Sweeney

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