The 1989-1990 Dickinson College Chamber Choir in  May 1990.

Front Row, Left-Right: Katie Irwin, John Kain, Katherine Presnell, Matthew Rodano, JoAnne Haley, Professor Truman Bullard (Director), Linda Shippey, Robert Burlington, Tabitha Grasser, Richard Frey.

Second row: Kenneth Ross, Sylvia Bain, Robert Moran, Shaune, Milligan, Daniel Buchan, Tara Rivetti, Ruth LaMantia.

Third row: Louise Nelson, Skip, Eric Brandt, [skip two], Arthur Brosius, Diane Walton, [gap], Bethany Ardold.

Fourth row: Andrew Krall, TImothy Reed, Margrethe Johnson, Christopher Leyon, Frank Lyman, Eric Martsolf, Barbara Stone, Panagiotis Atsaves, Gretchen Marsh.

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