Chamber Choir, 1990

The 1989-1990 Dickinson College Chamber Choir in  May 1990.

Front Row, Left-Right: Katie Irwin, John Kain, Katherine Presnell, Matthew Rodano, JoAnne Haley, Professor Truman Bullard (Director), Linda Shippey, Robert Burlington, Tabitha Grasser, Richard Frey.

Second row: Kenneth Ross, Sylvia Bain, Robert Moran, Shaune, Milligan, Daniel Buchan, Tara Rivetti, Ruth LaMantia.

Third row: Louise Nelson, Skip, Eric Brandt, [skip two], Arthur Brosius, Diane Walton, [gap], Bethany Ardold.

Fourth row: Andrew Krall, TImothy Reed, Margrethe Johnson, Christopher Leyon, Frank Lyman, Eric Martsolf, Barbara Stone, Panagiotis Atsaves, Gretchen Marsh.

Bookwalter Photographics
Photograph Archives
Groups and Organizations
Academic Discipline

Chamber Choir, 1991

The Dickinson College Chamber Choir during the 1990-1991 academic year. 

Back row: A Krall, E. Martsolf, E. Brandt, D. Buchan, B. Seward

Third row: T. Reed, D. Brown, S. Emmons, P. Atsaves, M. Johnsen, G. Weaver, T. Matha

Second row: L. Nelson, A. Cooper (above), R. LaMantia, A. Brosius, S. Lindenberg, K. Perlotto, B. Arnold, D. Walton (below)

Front row: M. Rodano, J. Stretton, Professor Truman Bullard, K. Presnell, R. Burlington, A. Sanford

Photograph Archives
Groups and Organizations
Academic Discipline