Glee Club with Mandolin and Guitar Class, 1902
The Glee Club poses with the Mandolin and Guitar Clubs in 1902.
This image is #195 of the oversized photograph collection.
The Glee Club poses with the Mandolin and Guitar Clubs in 1902.
This image is #195 of the oversized photograph collection.
The combined musical clubs, including the Banjo and Mandolin clubs, pose for a formal photograph around 1930.
Edward Hoberman is in the second row from the back, second from left, behind the bass drum.
View of the orchestra on the stage in the Bosler Hall chapel in 1937.
View of the Dickinson College band in marching uniforms in 1938.
The all-women's Chord Club in 1947.
View of the Dickinson College band, including majorettes, in Memorial Hall in 1951.
The College Choir on the side steps of Old West during the 1954-1955 school year.
The Dickinson College Choir in Memorial Hall during the 1954-1955 school year.
The Dickinson College Band on the steps of Old West in 1960.
View of the Dickinson College Choir during the 1962-1963 school year.
1970 Arts Award recipient John Cage examines a piano with Professor Malcolm Goldstein of the Dickinson Music Department.
Professor of Music Malcolm Goldstein playing the violin, circa 1970.
Mi-Young Park of the Music department playing her violin.
Music professor Pong Hi Park playing the piano.
The Dickinson College Chamber Choir after their spring concert in 1970.
Standing: Nancy Johnson, Mark Weir, C. Lu Conser, David Llewellyn, Barbara West, Joseph Sobel, Mary Somerville, Richard Kittel, Thomas James, Penny Gilmour, John Miller, John Cotter.
Kneeling: David Short, Vicki Stuart, Rodney Keefer, Carolyn Kruse, Henry Alexander, Sara Bunce, Professor Truman Bullard (Director), Oden Warman, Anya Treash, John Morse, Linda Uhler.
View of the Chamber Choir in front of Witwer Hall in spring 1972.
The Chamber Choir in Allison Church on Baccalaureate Sunday on May 20, 1973.
View of the Orchestra Parent's Day performance in October 1974. Orchestra, with Music Professor Fred Petty conducting, is performing the L'Arlesienne Suite no. 2 by Bizet in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium.
Music professor Beth Bullard playing her flute.
The Dickinson College Chapel Choir of 1974-1975 poses for a group photograph outside outside of Allison United Methodist Church.
Front row, from left to right: Cindy Marinne, Carolyn Wentworth, Professor Truman C. Bullard, Mary Classpol, Jean Kinson, Sue Neilly, and Barbara Chapel
Middle row: Cindy Hill, Mike Starry, Barbara Feinour, Leslie Goodrich, Jan Powers, Jim EcElfish, Sra Heller, Barbara Kribel,and Keith Harrison
Back row: John Lewis, Jonathan Barnhart, Gregory Eblin, Jonathan Means, Ken deGroot, Debbie Felmeth, Gail Robinson, and Jeff Evans
This image is #203 of the oversized photograph collection.
A shot of the conductor, Music Professor Fred Petty, from his left with the cello section beyond him during a 1975 performance in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium.
A view of the stage as Music Professor Fred Petty addresses the audience during a concert in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium in 1975. The orchestra laughing behind him.
View of orchestra from the left during an orchestra concert in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium in 1975 at a moment when the conductor, Music Professor Fred Petty, is appearing to jump.
View from the audience of the orchestra on stage in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium for a performance in 1975. The choir is in the balcony above the stage.