Choir, 1989
View of the women's section of the college choir during an orchestra concert on October 16, 1989.
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View of the women's section of the college choir during an orchestra concert on October 16, 1989.
The Collegium ensemble for the 1989-1990 academic year poses for a photograph in 1990.
View from the back of the orchestra of the conductor in the middle of directing during a concert in 1990.
Fred Petty, professor of Music, conducting.
The 1989-1990 Dickinson College Chamber Choir in May 1990.
Front Row, Left-Right: Katie Irwin, John Kain, Katherine Presnell, Matthew Rodano, JoAnne Haley, Professor Truman Bullard (Director), Linda Shippey, Robert Burlington, Tabitha Grasser, Richard Frey.
Second row: Kenneth Ross, Sylvia Bain, Robert Moran, Shaune, Milligan, Daniel Buchan, Tara Rivetti, Ruth LaMantia.
Third row: Louise Nelson, Skip, Eric Brandt, [skip two], Arthur Brosius, Diane Walton, [gap], Bethany Ardold.
Fourth row: Andrew Krall, TImothy Reed, Margrethe Johnson, Christopher Leyon, Frank Lyman, Eric Martsolf, Barbara Stone, Panagiotis Atsaves, Gretchen Marsh.
The Dickinson College Chamber Choir during the 1990-1991 academic year.
Back row: A Krall, E. Martsolf, E. Brandt, D. Buchan, B. Seward
Third row: T. Reed, D. Brown, S. Emmons, P. Atsaves, M. Johnsen, G. Weaver, T. Matha
Second row: L. Nelson, A. Cooper (above), R. LaMantia, A. Brosius, S. Lindenberg, K. Perlotto, B. Arnold, D. Walton (below)
Front row: M. Rodano, J. Stretton, Professor Truman Bullard, K. Presnell, R. Burlington, A. Sanford
The Dickinson College Chamber Choir during the 1991-1992 academic year.
Front row: Marie Fry, Andrew Koniers, Sarah Bash, Katie Irwin, Professor Truman Bullard (Director), Tabitha Grasser, Charles Cmle, Mike Goldstein.
Second row: Anneke Cooper, Trent Harrison, Diane Walton, (down) Karin Perlotto, Ruth LaMantia, Robert Burlington, Anne Blanchard, Tom Brookbanks.
Third row: Andrew Krall, Katherine Presnell, Arthur Brosius, Christopher Troxler, Rosalind Staib, Natalie Harnly.
Fourth row: Heather Gruver, Renee Maurer, Gretchen Marsh, Marc Cramer, Daniel Goodman.
Top row: Daniel Buchan, Eric Douglas, Ben Seward.
View as the conductor directs the violins during a concert on October 27, 1992.
Music professor John Eaken, in white shirt in center, plays his violin with other musicians in spring of 1993.
Applied Music professor Nancy Baun plays cello with a student in the spring sunshine on May 6, 1993.
Freshmen listen to Music Professor Blake Wilson talk about his courses during the Academic Open House in the Social Hall on August 28, 1994.
Professor Truman Bullard instructs students on how a piece should sound on December 5, 1996.
Left to right: Erik Michael ('98); Bob Ekey ('99); John Newton ('99, seated); Professor Truman Bullard; Rebecca Leyon
View of the orchestra during a concert in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium in 1997.
Music professor Jennifer Blyth at the piano.