Letter from James Buchanan to J. Randolph Clay

James Buchanan, the Minister to Russia, writes J. Randolph Clay with complaints about the cost of sending mail from the United States to Russia and offers diplomatic advice. Transcript included.
James Buchanan, the Minister to Russia, writes J. Randolph Clay with complaints about the cost of sending mail from the United States to Russia and offers diplomatic advice. Transcript included.
James Buchanan, the United States Minister to the United Kingdom, writes four letters to General James Watson Webb regarding Buchanan's experiences living in London and international affairs, including the Ostend Manifesto, the Vienna Conference,
James Buchanan writes eight letters from London to James L.
James Buchanan writes to James Humes regarding the "unpleasant circumstances attending my departure" from the United States, Pennsylvania Governor George Wolf's re-election, and increasing sectional tensions.
James Buchanan describes his experience working and living in London as United States Minister to the United Kingdom and comments on the latest political news from the United States. George Plitt is a Pennsylvania attorney.
Horatio Collins King details his life in post-war New York City society, including his work as a lawyer, his second marriage to Esther A. Howard and honeymoon at Niagara Falls, and a trip to Nebraska aboard the new Union Pacific railroad.
Horatio Collins King, a member of the Class of 1858, records his thoughts and activities of his daily life in the first year after his graduation from Dickinson College.
Charles Stinson (Class of 1845) writes to his father about his trip to Carlisle and starting classes at Dickinson. After meeting with President John Durbin, Stinson notes that the "conclusion is...
A printed advertisement for Carlisle Springs, which announces June 10, 1855 as the opening date and lists prices for board and horse keeping.
Harriet Beecher Stowe writes Susie Howard to discuss plans for their trip to Saco, Maine. Stowe also mentions the possibility of stopping at a Mrs. Claflin's house during the trip. "She will be delighted to see you," as Stowe explains.
Harriet Beecher Stowe writes Susie Howard and discusses plans for their trip to Saco, Maine.
Harriet Beecher Stowe writes to Susie Howard and asks for help in buying a layette for her first grandchild as well as discusses plans for their upcoming trip to Saco, Maine. Stowe also mentions how she "had to give up going" to another city.
Mary Gurney writes to Charles A. Poulson and describes how she "went over to Brooklyn this morning" from New York City and recounts her activities during her brief stay.
Former President Ulysses S. Grant writes to his wife, Julia Grant.
Beverley Waugh writes to his cousin, J. B. Roberts, over a two day period about a variety of topics.
C. Grant Cleaver prepared this oration, entitled “Influence of the World's Fair," for the commencement ceremonies held June 6, 1894. Authoring an original speech was among the graduation requirements for Dickinson College seniors at that time.
Amos Slaymaker prepared this oration, entitled "Venice," for the commencement ceremonies held July 19, 1838. Authoring an original speech was among the graduation requirements for Dickinson College seniors at that time. Transcript included.
This item is pianist Allen Tanner's passport.
In this draft Allen Tanner describes his trip to Algeria with Pavel Tchelitchew in 1927. Transcript included.
In this draft Allen Tanner describes his trip to Tunisia with Pavel Tchelitchew in 1926. Transcript included.
William Wilkins, Minister to Russia, writes to all six of his children from St. Petersburg, with a paragraph to each. Transcript included.
Ned Hastings (Class of 1865) writes to Jane Hastings, his mother, describing his search for housing and receiving his "certificate as 'a member of Harvard Law School". Transcript included.
Harriet Lane Johnston writes to Lily Macalester while on holiday in England.
Hiester Henry Muhlenberg's travel journal, which he titles "Of a Tour in Search of Pleasure & Health," includes almost daily entries between July 31 - September 28, 1833.
Ned Hastings (Class of 1865) writes to his four sisters about his life as a student at Harvard and in Boston.