Letter from Horatio King to Thomas Hendricks

Horatio King writes former Indiana Governor Thomas A. Hendricks to welcomes him home from a trip abroad and requests that he read the enclosed "Centennial" brochure.
Horatio King writes former Indiana Governor Thomas A. Hendricks to welcomes him home from a trip abroad and requests that he read the enclosed "Centennial" brochure.
Statesman William Bingham writes from Paris to Benjamin Rush in Philadelphia. Bingham responds to Rush's previous displeasing letter and discusses United States politics and his travels abroad. Transcript included.
William Bingham welcomes John Jay, an American politician and diplomat, to England and invites Jay to visit him in London. "I am happy at being informed of your Safe Arrival at Bath," as Bingham notes.
Joseph Priestley offers the Rev. Mr. Kell a horse for him to ride to Cradley. Priestley also includes 7 lines of text written in Annet's Shorthand.
Joseph Priestley to Jean-Frédéric Perregaux in Paris regarding the annual income from "Mr. [John] Wilkinson's donation" and "the probable state of your funds in the future...as it is my wish to reside some time" in France.
William Bingham writes from London to the Dickinson College Board of Trustees concerning his attempts to get support from the British for the College.
An album containing clippings of the serial publication "Harry Ashton's Ramblings," with a handwritten preface, penciled editing notes, photographs, and letters from publishers. The story was published in the Boston Globe in 1873 and concerns the fictional travels of Harry Ashton in Europe and Russia. Much of the story was based on the author's own travel experiences. Correspondents include Charles Lever, Richard Kimball, John Lillies, J. Wesler Harper, T. Niles, Lucy Derby, Franklin Burgess, and William Dean Howells.
Spencer Fullerton Baird (1823-1887) was a Dickinson College graduate (class of 1840) and a professor of natural history and science at the college from 1845 until 1850, when he became assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Institute (1850-1878). He was later promoted to secretary of that institution in 1878 and remained in that capacity until his death. The collection consists solely of correspondence between Spencer Fullerton Baird and his friend and colleague George Newbold Lawrence between 1868 and 1873. The bulk of the correspondence is from Baird to Lawrence, with a few drafts of letters from Lawrence to Baird.
Robert Hale Bancroft (?-1918) was born in Beverly, Massachusetts, and was educated at Harvard Law School and the University of Bremen in Germany. His travels abroad, as well as his interests in local events in Beverly, are reflected in this scrapbook dated 1864-1901. The bulk of the scrapbook consists of newspaper clippings from local newspapers; they note new inventions, the coming of the twentieth century, and his marriage to Elise Milligan. Bancroft's love of the arts is represented by the theater programs and snippets of poetry included in the scrapbook. Other items include maps, tickets and postcards from Germany, correspondence, and certificates from Harvard Law and University of Bremen.
Thomas Emerson Bond, Sr., was a well-known Methodist Episcopal minister and author who served as a trustee of Dickinson College from 1833 until 1835. The collection includes correspondence to and from Bond dating mostly from 1840-1848, as well as journals and records of the Methodist ministry of John Wesley Bond from 1814-1818. Also included are documents of several Methodist Conferences.
This collection contains a number of items purchased as a group from Robert Rowe in 2014, and features the business papers of Milton I. Zeigler, postcards, ephemera, and publications from the Carlisle Indian School. Zeigler served as the industrial instructor for the shoe and harness department at the Carlisle Indian School from about 1901-1909. His business papers include correspondence with government agents and material suppliers as well as vouchers for expenditures during various business trips. The postcards in this collection all feature images of the Carlisle Indian School. The ephemera in this collection include commencement programs and quotation cards printed by the Carlisle Indian School Press. The Publications section includes multiple government publications about the Carlisle Indian School as well as souvenir booklets about the school and a copy of Stiya: A Carlisle Indian Girl at Home, written by school matron and printing supervisor Marianna Burgess.
Most of the materials in this collection are available online at the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center.
The collections consists of the diaries of Joseph Clemens and his wife, Mary Knapp Strong Clemens. Joseph Clemens was born in Cornwall, England. He left England and entered Dickinson College at the age of 28, graduating in the class of 1894. He entered the Methodist ministry and served as a United States Army Chaplain, 1901-1918. After studying at the University of Southern California from 1912 to 1922, he returned to the Far East as an evangelist and botanist, working in the Philippines and in New Guinea; it was there that he died during a botanical expedition. Joseph Clemens' diaries cover his early career as a student and chaplain: 1892-93, 1895-98, and 1902-21; Mary Clemens' diaries are from 1903 and 1905.
This collection reflects the three year period in which Andrew Curtin served as minister to Russia, and is arranged in two series: Photograph Albums and Loose Photographs. The albums are housed in one document box, while the loose photographs are housed within the Dickinson College Photograph Collections as PC 2001.21. Because no definitive date has been given for most of these items, the date of the materials has been indicated as c1870. Curtin, Dickinson College Class of 1837, served as "war governor" for Pennsylvania during the Civil War and was appointed minister to Russia following his tenure as governor.
John Price Durbin served as president of Dickinson College from 1834 to 1845. From 1842 to 1843 he toured across Europe and the Middle East, and he later published books about his travels. This collection includes a scrapbook that contains an autobiographical memoir as well as items Durbin collected during his travels. There are also several news clippings and engravings.
Michelle Ehrich graduated from Dickinson College in 1981. During her junior year, she studied abroad in Bologna, Italy. The collection consists primarily of letters and postcards that Michelle sent home to her family describing her life in Bologna and traveling around Europe during the 1979-80 academic year. There are also several letters from when Michelle returned to Italy following her 1981 graduation in order to work as a nanny for an Italian family.
M. Margaret Eslinger graduated from Dickinson College in 1923. This scrapbook contains a variety of items from her time at Dickinson College and as a graduate student at Ohio State University between 1919 and 1925. Materials include letters, grade slips, school bulletins, event programs, coursework, postcards, concert tickets, newspaper clippings, holiday cards, account books, photographs, name tags, and such objects as utensils, cigarettes, pressed flowers, pinned badges, and napkins.
The collection consists primarily of travel journals of Thomas and Jabez Fisher, sons of Joshua Fisher, a businessman in Philadelphia shipping prior to the Revolutionary War. The journals offer detailed accounts of travel to Europe in the 1760s and 1770s. In addition, a small amount of business account information is included, along with three personal journals of Sarah Logan Fisher Wister, granddaughter of Thomas Fisher.
The J. William Frey Photograph Album contains photographs chronicling his year in Giessen, Germany; he titled it "'Mein Jahr in Deutschland': A Year of Attending College in 1937-1938 Nazi Germany." Captions in both English and German were written on the pages. The subjects of the photographs range from people that Frey lived and traveled with to locations in Germany, France, and Italy. The collection also contains loose photographs that have been removed from the album.
The collection consists of papers pertaining to Hartigan's military career and to a proposed "Dickinson College School of International Activities." It includes correspondence with Dickinson College, foreign universities, and other institutions regarding similar plans. The collection includes numerous photographs of pre-World War II Germany and Austria, particularly with regard to the performing arts.
These images are a sample of the photographs taken by Charles Francis Himes, a pioneer amateur photographer of the 19th century. Himes took this particular set of photographs while at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893.
The photographs are from the Charles Francis Himes family papers. For more information about Himes and this collection, see the links under related entries.
This collection primarily provides evidence of the personal and professional life of Charles Francis Himes, student, photographer, scientist, teacher, administrator, amateur historian and father. Also found in this collection is evidence of the lives of family members including, most notably, C. F. Himes' wife Mary and her father Joseph A. Murray. Information on Dickinson College is featured prominently throughout this collection through the close association of C. F. Himes with the institution during most of his life. Beyond family and institutional history, this collection offers information on a number of social, political, economic, and historic topics. Some of these broader topics include post-secondary education in the latter half of the nineteenth century, south central Pennsylvania society, the history of photography, and nineteenth century travel.
These images are a sample of the photographs taken by Charles Francis Himes, a pioneer amateur photographer of the 19th century. Himes took this particular set of photographs while on a family vacation in Europe in 1890. Most of the photographs are from the family's stay in Giessen, Germany.
The photographs are from the Charles Francis Himes family papers. For more information about Himes and this collection, see the links under related entries.
Charles Flint Kellogg was a member of Dickinson's history department from 1946 to 1975. His scholarship focused on the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Kellogg helped to establish black studies courses at the College and taught courses on black history. This collection documents his academic career, including his graduate studies at The Johns Hopkins University, his teaching career at Dickinson, and his research into the NAACP. In addition to Kellogg's own correspondence and research materials, this collection also includes press releases produced by the NAACP from 1957 to 1964.
Horatio Collins King was the son of Postmaster General Horatio King and the nephew of Dickinson College President Charles Collins. A graduate of Dickinson College, class of 1858, King was admitted to the bar in 1861 and saw active service in the Civil War from 1862 until 1865. A songwriter, King composed the Dickinson Alma Mater, among other works. The collection contains King's correspondence, diaries, and copies of his songs. Topics in correspondence and diaries include student life, Civil War, and democratic politics.
The journals in this collection are available for reading online (see links for related entries below).
These images were taken from just a few of the maps and atlases housed in the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections.
The sources include:
Thomas T. Smiley's Smiley’s Atlas for the Use of Schools and Families… (1839)
S. Augustus Mitchell's New Universal Atlas… (1857), Mitchell’s New General Atlas… (1866), and Mitchell’s Ancient Atlas, Classical and Sacred… (1873)
Frederick W. Beers' Atlas of Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania: From Actual Surveys (1872)
Joseph R. Bein's Atlas of the State of Pennsylvania: From Original Surveys and Various Local Surveys Revised and Corrected (1900)