John Black, Jr. papers

Letter from John Black, Jr. papers
Collection Inventory
Date Range

John Black, Jr. (1842-1915) attended Dickinson College between 1858 and 1860, before returning to his home in Lancaster, Pennsylvania to begin his career as a druggist. During the Civil War, Black served in the 122nd Pennsylvania Volunteers and the 47th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Militia of 1863. This small collection contains some materials documenting his family history, his high school and college experiences, and his military service and resulting pension.

MC 2007.2

Scott Blum papers

Notebook, 1979 (Box 3, folder 2)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The collection reflects Scott Blum's (1959- ) interest in the sciences, particularly computers. The documents and materials relate to Blum's time at Dickinson College, especially his academic career, and consist of notes and notebooks, syllabi, exams, and other materials. Blum graduated from Dickinson College in 1981.

Time Period
MC 2003.1

Robert Bridges papers

Robert Bridges, c.1900
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The Robert Bridges Papers Collection provides insight into literary works of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and reflects Bridges’ long period of work as an editor and literary critic. The collection spans a date range of 1875-1937, with large portions pertaining to the early 1890s and 1900s. The collection is divided into 16 series: Administrative Records, Editorial, Literary Reviews, Prose, Poetry, Drama, Addresses and Speeches, Other Writings, President Woodrow Wilson, Princeton University, Aldine Club, Personal, Images, Biographical Materials, Publications, Photographs, Oversized Photographs, and Artifacts.

A fuller description of each series is provided in the Collection Inventory.

MC 2012.12

Carlisle Indian School Individual Artifacts and Oversized Items

Carlisle Indian School Individual Artifacts and Oversized Items
Date Range

These artifacts and oversized items about the Carlisle Indian School were acquired by the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections individually and are not part of any larger collection.

See Collection Inventory

Carlisle Indian School papers - CIS-MC-004 at Dickinson College

Carlisle Indian School papers - CIS-MC-004 at Dickinson College
Collection Inventory
Date Range

This collection contains a number of items purchased as a group from Robert Rowe in 2017, and includes a number of photographs, artifacts, and documents related to the Carlisle Indian School. The four court martials in this collection are from the year 1904, and include charges against a total of five students. The Ephemera and Publication sections include printed materials related to the Carlisle Indian School, including four schoolbooks used at the school in the 1910s. These books contain marginalia written by students. The photographs included in this collection include the E.A. Seabrook Photograph Album as well as a number of miscellaneous images. The artifacts in this section include a ceramic china dish and three brass buttons off of a school uniform.

Most of the materials in this collection are available online at the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center.


Albert Lowther Demaree papers

Scrapbook images, c.1920 (PC, folder 5)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Albert L. Demaree (1894-1964) graduated from Dickinson College in 1923. This collection contains materials from his service in the U.S. Navy during both World Wars, including certificates, medals, and photographs. The collection also includes materials pertaining to his academic credentials as a graduate of Dickinson College, Dartmouth College, and Columbia University.

MC 2010.4

Velva Diven Daihl papers

Scrapbook page, c.1928 (Box 1, folder 12)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The collection documents the education and early teaching career of Velva Diven Daihl, class of 1927, and her husband, Sam Daihl. The bulk of the materials pertain to Velva's experiences as a Dickinson student and alumna. Some other items of note include photographs, a scrapbook, and a Daihl family genealogy.

MC 2012.6

M. Margaret Eslinger scrapbook

Scrapbook, pages 42-43 (Box 1)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

M. Margaret Eslinger graduated from Dickinson College in 1923.  This scrapbook contains a variety of items from her time at Dickinson College and as a graduate student at Ohio State University between 1919 and 1925. Materials include letters, grade slips, school bulletins, event programs, coursework, postcards, concert tickets, newspaper clippings, holiday cards, account books, photographs, name tags, and such objects as utensils, cigarettes, pressed flowers, pinned badges, and napkins.

Time Period
MC 2013.6

Ethelyn Merriken Hardesty papers and scrapbook

Diary, 1901-1902 (Box 1, folder 2)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The collection consists of materials relating to Ethelyn Hardesty's student days at Dickinson College, including a scrapbook, 1899-1902, class and lecture notes, grade reports, and a diary. After graduating in 1902, Hardesty taught high school in Lock Haven, PA. She married Dr. C. Grant Cleaver, Dickinson class of 1894. Both she and her husband were active in alumni activities.

Time Period
MC 2002.9

John Hays II family papers

Photograph, 1862 (Photographs, folder 3)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The Hays family papers include correspondence, deeds, and memorabilia of six generations of this prominent Carlisle, Pa. family whose scions include General Ephraim Blaine (1741-1804), Commissary-General in the American Revolution and charter trustee of Dickinson College, and James G. Blaine (1830-1898), presidential candidate and U. S. Senator from Maine. Ephraim Blaine's account books from his war service, his will, deeds, and other papers are included. John Hays (II), great grandson of Ephraim Blaine, was an 1857 graduate of Dickinson College; many others of his family represented here were also alumni. John Hays' own papers reflect his Civil War service, his veterans' activities, literary interests, genealogy, his interest in the history of Carlisle and Cumberland county, and his varied career as lawyer, bank president, founder of the Carlisle Gas and Water Company and of the Carlisle Frog, Switch and Manufacturing Company. Also included is an exchange of correspondence between Mary Abigail Dodge and John Hays concerning her projected biography of James G. Blaine. In addition, there are significant bodies of 19th century correspondence of lawyers James Hamilton and George Metzger.

MC 2001.1

Charles Francis Himes family papers

Photograph, undated (Photographs, folder 73)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

This collection primarily provides evidence of the personal and professional life of Charles Francis Himes, student, photographer, scientist, teacher, administrator, amateur historian and father. Also found in this collection is evidence of the lives of family members including, most notably, C. F. Himes' wife Mary and her father Joseph A. Murray. Information on Dickinson College is featured prominently throughout this collection through the close association of C. F. Himes with the institution during most of his life. Beyond family and institutional history, this collection offers information on a number of social, political, economic, and historic topics. Some of these broader topics include post-secondary education in the latter half of the nineteenth century, south central Pennsylvania society, the history of photography, and nineteenth century travel.

MC 2000.1

Steven G. Leventhal papers

Newsclipping, 1984 (Box 1, folder 8)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Steven G. Leventhal graduated from Dickinson College in 1984. This collection documents his efforts to gain an honorary degree from Dickinson for Soviet refusenik Dr. Yuri Medvedkov, an effort in which he was not successful. It also contains information regarding Leventhal’s role in establishing the Dickinson Senior Class Award, which was granted to Medvedkov in 1984.

Time Period
MC 2012.9

Zatae Longsdorff Straw papers

Photograph, 1887 (Photographs, folder 17)
Collection Inventory
Date Range
circa 1860-1952

Zatae Longsdorff Straw (1866-1955) was the first woman graduate of Dickinson College as a member of the class of 1887; she went on to a successful career as a doctor and politician. The collection of her papers includes correspondence, printed and manuscript materials, scrapbooks and scrapbook materials, photographs, and artifacts. The bulk of the documents in this collection focuses on Zatae's life in Manchester, New Hampshire, both private and professional. There are some items, however, about her life at Dickinson, namely her dress and medal for the Pierson Prize in Oratory, 1886, and her writing desk.

MC 2002.2

Edgar Miller scrapbook and artifact collection

Watercolor, undated (Box 1, folder 8)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

This collection is composed largely of artifacts which the Millers brought back from their nine year mission to Nepal, 1956-1965. Also included in the collection are a scrapbook, picture books of Nepal, and a Nepalese hymnal.

MC 1999.3

Montagu Frank Modder papers

Illustration, undated (Box 1, folder 17)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

This collection is comprised mainly of The Spirit of Britain and Pictorial Shakespeare, two examples of illustrated manuscripts by artist Montagu Frank Modder. Also included are miscellaneous drawings of literary and historical figures, as well as printer's engraving blocks.

Time Period
MC 2002.1

T. Edward Munce Jr. papers

Christmas card, 1953 (Box 1, folder 17)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

T. Edward Munce Jr. (1914-1980) graduated from Dickinson College (class of 1939) and the Dickinson School of Law. He was a World War II veteran, State Department employee, and lawyer for the Public Utility Commission. The bulk of this collection consists of correspondence and Christmas cards from authors Robert Frost, Logan Pearsall Smith, and Nancy Byrd Turner. The correspondence also includes letters from Lord Wilfred Arthur Greene regarding the acquisition of a piece of rock from London's Inner Temple for the Dickinson School of Law. In addition, this collection contains World War II medals awarded to Munce by the British government in 1945.

MC 2005.5

Charles Nisbet Family papers

Letters, 1799 (Box 1, folders 22 and 24)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The collection consists of the papers of Charles Nisbet, first president of Dickinson College, and his family, particularly his son-in-law, William Turnbull. The majority of these papers is correspondence conducted between Nisbet and his daughter, and also between Nisbet and Lady Leven of Scotland. The business ventures of William Turnbull are reflected through legal, financial, and other miscellaneous documents; the collection's single artifact is Turnbull's leather wallet.

MC 2001.7

Public Interest Resource Center (PIRC) papers

Newsletter, 1980 (Box 1, folder 22)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The Public Interest Resource Center (PIRC) collection consists of the various papers, newsletters, court dockets, and publications which were housed by PIRC in an effort to organize all efforts against the restart of Three Mile Island, following the near-meltdown on March 28, 1979. The PIRC was established as a liaison group between the major anti-nuclear groups formed in Central Pennsylvania, and their goal was to coordinate all efforts against TMI: legal actions, protests, and financial actions.

Time Period

Charles Arthur Robinson family papers

Charles Arthur Robinson, c1915 (PC 2012.1, folder 11)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The Charles Arthur Robinson Collection was donated by Charles L. Robinson on January 14, 2012. The collection is housed in two document boxes, one oversized box, 57 photograph folders, and one small artifact box. The collection contains materials related to Charles A. Robinson ('20) and Reba M. Beam’s ('22) Dickinson College careers as well as their married life. It also includes items belonging to Dickinson graduates Harry Delmar Robinson ('18) and Dorothy Anne Robinson ('45). The Collection is arranged into eight series: Academic Papers, Correspondence, Ephemera, Financial Papers, Photograph Albums, Miscellaneous, Oversized, Photographs, and Artifact.

Time Period
MC 2012.1

James Gordon Steese family papers

Passport, 1925 (Box 3, folder 13)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

James Gordon Steese (1882-1958) was a member of the Dickinson College class of 1902. Among his many activities, Steese served as president of the Board of Road Commissioners for Alaska; the Steese Highway in Alaska is named for him. He later was involved with the development of railroads in both Alaska and Maryland and with several oil companies. Diaries and journals chronicle Steese's military service and his later years. The collection contains mostly professional correspondence, pamphlets, and reports on the Alaskan Road Commission and Steese's military service. Also included are several newspaper articles, maps, charts, and correspondence with Steese's family. A large photograph collection, mainly in the form of photo albums, supplements the document collection.

MC 2002.4

Charles Lowe Swift papers

Image of Charles Lowe Swift
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Charles Lowe Swift enrolled at Dickinson College in 1900 with the class of 1904, but left in Fall 1903 to become a journalist for the Baltimore Herald.  He taught English at Dickinson's Conway Hall and later at the Hill School in Pottstown, PA before joining Dickinson's English Dept. faculty in 1935.  Swift retired in 1947 and passed away in 1956. This collection consists primarily of correspondence from writer H. L. Mencken and John Charles Thomas, a noted concert baritone who had attended Conway Hall. An article about the letters from Mencken to Swift appeared in the Nov. 1979 alumni magazine.

MC 2018.6

Craig Robert Thomas papers and photographs

Autograph, undated (Box1, folder 5)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The Craig Robert Thomas collection consists of letters, autographs, and photographs from prominent celebrities and political and military figures who sent their warm wishes and personal regards to Craig Robert Thomas. This collection is a bequest from Craig's father, Robert; another collection of related material was donated by Robert and Beatrice Thomas in 1959, and contains many more documents and photographs of a similar nature (see link for related entries below). This collection is housed in one document box, one artifact box, and 14 photograph folders, and is arranged into three categories: Correspondence, Photographs, and Artifacts.

Time Period
MC 2001.18

Three Mile Island Alert (TMIA) papers

Newsletter, 1979 (folder
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Three Mile Island Alert (TMIA) collection consists of the various papers, government documents, legal documents, transcripts, and publications collected and maintained by Three Mile Island Alert, a not-for-profit citizens' organization dedicated to promotion of safe-energy alternatives to nuclear power. The bulk of this collection consists of reports and legal papers pertaining to the accident at Three Mile Island Unit-2, its cleanup, and the restart of TMI Unit-1. Due to the size of the collection, an outline of the collection has been provided to serve as a guide to the full register. The processing of this collection was funded, in part, by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

Time Period