"Songs of Dickinson," edited by Ralph Schecter

Publisher: Carlisle, PA: Dickinson College
Professor Ralph Wendell Schecter is editor for Songs of Dickinson, whose publication is sponsored by Upsilon Chapter, Omicron Delta Kappa.
Publisher: Carlisle, PA: Dickinson College
Professor Ralph Wendell Schecter is editor for Songs of Dickinson, whose publication is sponsored by Upsilon Chapter, Omicron Delta Kappa.
Pianist Allen Tanner wrote this score by hand.
The Robert Bridges Papers Collection provides insight into literary works of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and reflects Bridges’ long period of work as an editor and literary critic. The collection spans a date range of 1875-1937, with large portions pertaining to the early 1890s and 1900s. The collection is divided into 16 series: Administrative Records, Editorial, Literary Reviews, Prose, Poetry, Drama, Addresses and Speeches, Other Writings, President Woodrow Wilson, Princeton University, Aldine Club, Personal, Images, Biographical Materials, Publications, Photographs, Oversized Photographs, and Artifacts.
A fuller description of each series is provided in the Collection Inventory.
Lewis Daniel Gobrecht graduated from Dickinson College in 1955. This collection primarily represents his academic and extracurricular life as a student, with particular emphasis on his involvement in theatre and music activities.
Julius "Steve" Kassovic taught in the Sociology-Anthropology Department at Dickinson from 1979 to 1984. This collection contains assignments from his popular Introduction to Folklore course, during which students gathered jokes, stories, myths, ethnic expressions and other pieces of folkore from encounters with their families, local communities, and Dickinson peers.
This collection is composed largely of artifacts which the Millers brought back from their nine year mission to Nepal, 1956-1965. Also included in the collection are a scrapbook, picture books of Nepal, and a Nepalese hymnal.
Record group 5/2 consists of both materials dating from 1962-1989 while the Office of the Chaplain existed under the leadership of a full-time chaplain, as well as materials regarding campus religious affairs functions prior to the establishment of the chaplaincy, as early as 1924. The bulk of the material, however, dates from the appointment of Paul Kaylor in 1967 to the resignation of Mary Anne Morefield in 1989. The record group is organized in eleven series:
Series 01 General Administrative Materials
Series 02 Finances
Series 03 General Correspondence
Series 04 Chapel Programming for Weekday Services and Special Events (before fall 1965)
Series 05 College Church Programming for Sunday, Holiday, and Other Special Services
Series 06 Events
Series 07 Social Action
Series 08 Other Religious Traditions/Organizations
Series 09 Other Campus Organizations
Series 10 Other Chaplain’s Activities
Series 11 Chaplains’ Personal Papers
A fuller description of each series is given before each series inventory.
Allen C. Tanner (1898-1987) was an Illinois-born pianist. At fifteen he was awarded a scholarship to study music in Chicago. There he met Margaret Anderson, editor of the Little Review. Tanner then moved to New York City where he performed in musical salons and accompanied many musical greats of the era including Marguerite Namara and Marguerite d'Alvarez. In 1922, Tanner left for Berlin, where he met Russian artist Pavel Tchelitchew and the two men became lovers. In 1924 the pair moved to Paris to pursue their artistic careers. There they became friends with literary greats Gertrude Stein and Edith Sitwell. Tanner and Tchelitchew ended their relationship in 1934. Tanner returned to the United States where he coached piano students in concert repertory. In 1967 he released the album Allen Tanner Plays Bach, Debussy, Scriabin, Granados, Rachmaninoff, Liszt, and Steinert. The collection contains correspondence, writings, programs and publicity, news clippings, financial documents, sheet music, sound recordings, photographs, and books. The correspondence comprises the bulk of this collection. In addition to Tanner's correspondence with fellow musicians and cultural figures, Tanner also exchanged letters with authors and publishers who were interested in his memories of individuals such as Tchelitchew, Gertude Stein, Edith Sitwell, and Margaret Anderson.
The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University also holds a collection of Allen Tanner papers.
This collection documents several members of the Dum family of Carlisle, PA, particularly Annie Spotts Dum, Blanche L. Dum (Class of 1910), George B. Dum, Miriam Dum Frey (Class of 1913), and Ray Spotts Dum (Class of 1908). The collection is composed primarily of family correspondence from the 1880s through the 1930s. It also includes family memorabilia, such as event programs, school documents, and some documents regarding family history.