Letter from James Buchanan to V. Best

Senator James Buchanan writes to V.
Senator James Buchanan writes to V.
Two letters from James Buchanan to American diplomat Aaron Vail regarding relations with the United Kingdom and the "perfect chaos" of the United States' consular system. Transcripts included.
Senator James Buchanan writes three letters to Dickinson College President John Price Durbin in regard to the education and financial accounts of William Hopkins at the school. Transcripts included.
The Dickinson College catalog for the 1827-1828 academic year. Through the years, the annual catalog was variously titled "The Bulletin," "Catalogue and Register," "Course Catalog," and similar variants.
The Dickinson College catalog for the 1834-1835 academic year. Through the years, the annual catalog was variously titled "The Bulletin," "Catalogue and Register," "Course Catalog," and similar variants.
A hand-colored engraving of the Public Square in Carlisle in 1838. The caption reads: "As seen on entering from the east. On the left are the Court House, Town Hall, and Methodist Church, on the main street.
Walter Lowrie, Secretary of the United States Senate, sends Treasury Secretary Roger B. Taney the Senate's request for a report on foreign imports.
John McLean, United States Postmaster, writes William Murphy, the Postmaster of Maysville, Kentucky, to remind him of the obligation to deliver letters on Sunday that "arrive on Saturday night." "Please conform to [this rule] and render the office
Mary Gurney writes to Charles A. Poulson and describes how she "went over to Brooklyn this morning" from New York City and recounts her activities during her brief stay.
Senator William Wilkins writes Mr. Buckler and congratulates him on his election. Wilkins writes this letter from the Senate chamber in the United States Capitol.
William Wilkins writes to Secretary of War John C. Calhoun and recommends the son of an officer who served during the American Revolution, Dr. H. Stevenson, as an army paymaster.
Treasury Secretary Roger Brooke Taney writes to the New Haven Collector of Customs, William H.
Treasury Secretary Roger Brooke Taney writes to the New Haven Collector of Customs, William H. Ellis, announcing the return of "the list of correspondence between your office and this department".
Former Pennsylvania Representative Andrew Boden asks John Boyle, an attorney at the US Navy Office in Washington, to “procure for me” a copy of “the secret minutes of the convention, which framed the U. S.
Dickinson College President John Durbin writes to Board of Trustees member Samuel Harvey to discuss college finances, the new college catalogue, and the state of affairs at the college.
This file contains information related to John Wilson's family genealogy. Dr. Wilson (1768-1835) is a member of the Class of 1792. Besides an obituary for Wilson by a Dr. John Lilly, there are also two family descendants charts.
Pennsylvania Representative Henry Logan's draft of his response to a dinner invitation from President Martin Van Buren for January 23, 1839.
Lancelot Johnston of Morgan County, Georgia, son of a friend and physician of George Washington, buys "a negro man named Tilman" from M. L. Graves for five hundred and fifty dollars on June 10, 1825.
John O. Proctor prepared this oration, entitled “Formation of the Female Character," for the commencement ceremonies held July 11, 1839.
John Lyon prepared this oration, entitled “Inequalities of the Human Condition," for the commencement ceremonies held July 11, 1839.
James G. Hamilton prepared this oration, entitled “The Congress of Panama," for the commencement ceremonies held July 11, 1839. Authoring an original speech was among the graduation requirements for Dickinson College seniors at that time.
John A. Wright prepared this oration, entitled “Mental and Moral Effects of the Mathematics," for the commencement ceremonies held July 19, 1838.
William Woodward prepared this oration, entitled “Encouragement Due to Worth and Genius," for the commencement ceremonies held July 19, 1838.
James Thompson prepared this oration, entitled “The Effect of the Doctrines of Christianity on the Progress of Philosophy," for the commencement ceremonies held July 19, 1838.
Amos Slaymaker prepared this oration, entitled "Venice," for the commencement ceremonies held July 19, 1838. Authoring an original speech was among the graduation requirements for Dickinson College seniors at that time. Transcript included.