Letter from Roger B. Taney to William Ellis

Letter from Roger B. Taney to William Ellis
March 31, 1834

Treasury Secretary Roger Brooke Taney writes to the New Haven Collector of Customs, William H. Ellis, and informs Ellis that future reports should include a "description of specie, that is, whether gold or silver. Transcript included.

Time Period

Legal Document, Audit of the Account between the United States and Andrew Laub

Legal Document, Audit of the Account between the United States and Andrew Laub
November 14, 1833

Treasury Secretary Roger Brooke Taney signs this document, which is the audit of an account between the United States and Andrew M. Laub, the late Superintendent of the South East Executive Building.

Time Period

Letter from Roger B. Taney to Collectors of Customs

Letter from Roger B. Taney to Collectors of Customs
December 16, 1833

Treasury Secretary Roger Brooke Taney sends this Circular letter to the Collectors of Customs and announces the opening of additional British ports (Cape Town, Simon's Town, and Port Elizabeth) to American trade.

Time Period

Legal Opinion of Roger B. Taney on Charles Ridgely's Will

Legal Opinion of Roger B. Taney on Charles Ridgely's Will
October 7, 1828

Maryland Attorney General Roger Brooke Taney's writes this interpretation of Charles Ridgely' will in regard to the "land bought of Henry Darnall." Taney provides his opinion on this matter at the request of General Ridgely, who had inherited the

Time Period