Logbook, 1912-13

The Logbook is the yearbook of Conway Hall, Dickinson College's Preparatory School.
The Logbook is the yearbook of Conway Hall, Dickinson College's Preparatory School.
The Logbook is the yearbook of Conway Hall, Dickinson College's Preparatory School.
The Logbook is the yearbook of Conway Hall, Dickinson College's Preparatory School.
The Logbook is the yearbook of Conway Hall, Dickinson College's Preparatory School. This issue includes a tribute to Moncure D. Conway (class of 1849) on his death.
Ellsworth H. Mish prepared this oration, entitled “Congressional Usurpation," for the commencement ceremonies held June 9, 1909. Authoring an original speech was among the graduation requirements for Dickinson College seniors at that time.
Florence Hensel Bursk writes this essay, entitled "Dickinson's New Era," as a student at Dickinson. Bursk is a member of the Class of 1905. Transcript included.
Ella P. Davis writes this essay, entitled "Woman and the Home," as a student at Dickinson. Davis is a member of the Class of 1909.
Josephine Brunyate (Class of 1901) presents this scrapbook to Jessie C. Bowers upon her graduation from Dickinson College in 1903.
Robert McAlarney deliverers an address on the history of West College (Old West) at the 100th anniversary of the rebuilding and re-dedication of the building. McAlarney is a 1893 graduate who works at the New York Evening Post.
Edward Wright Byrn delivers this reunion address in 1910 for the Class of 1870.
Richard Gassaway Chaney, a member of the Class of 1849, uses these notes to write "Reminiscences of Dickinson College" for the New York Christian Advocate. Chaney uses his school diary as his primary source. Transcript included.
An unknown student at Dickinson College writes to a Mitchell about the winter and getting ready for the fraternity dances that take place in February.
Andrew Carnegie writes to Funk & Wagnalls Company, a publishing company in New York City, thanking them for their gift of their new standard dictionary.
Olive C. Taylor prepared this oration, entitled “The Protestant Sisterhood," for the commencement ceremonies held June 6, 1900. Authoring an original speech was among the graduation requirements for Dickinson College seniors at that time.
Henry W. Mulhollan prepared this oration, entitled “The Need of Forest Reservations in Pennsylvania," for the commencement ceremonies held June 6, 1900.
George V. Metzel prepared this oration, entitled “The Open Door Policy in China," for the commencement ceremonies held June 6, 1900. Authoring an original speech was among the graduation requirements for Dickinson College seniors at that time.
Jessie Woodward Hargis prepared this oration, entitled “The Value of International Expositions in the Culture of Art," for the commencement ceremonies held June 6, 1900.
Caleb E. Burchenal prepared this oration, entitled “Evolution vs Special Creation," for the commencement ceremonies held June 6, 1900. Authoring an original speech was among the graduation requirements for Dickinson College seniors at that time.
Weldon Brubaker prepared this oration, entitled “The Income Tax," for the commencement ceremonies held June 6, 1900. Authoring an original speech was among the graduation requirements for Dickinson College seniors at that time.
James M. Brennan prepared this oration, entitled “The Free Coinage of Silver," for the commencement ceremonies held June 6, 1900. Authoring an original speech was among the graduation requirements for Dickinson College seniors at that time.
Esther Popel Shaw, Class of 1919, was the first African American woman to graduate from Dickinson College. This diary from Esther's senior year of high school documents her daily activities, particularly her interactions with family, fr
This Woman’s Christian Temperance Union program from Mt. Vernon, Illinois contains psalms, a schedule of meetings, and a roster of the organization's officers and members.